Teledyne LeCroy QPHY-ENET User Manual
Page 68
QPHY-ENET Operator’s Manual Rev G
Jumpers and Connectors
Section A: With TPM; J1/J6/J14/J16, Without TPM; J7/J8/J9/J10,
100 Ω:J24/J25, Load1: J20/J21, Load2: J22/J23, Link Partner termination: J98.
Section B: Pair A; J15/J58, B; J18/J66, C; J56/J69, D; J57/J70
Section C: Pair A; J35, B; J36, C; J37, D; J38.
Signal termination when using differential probe: J55.
Section D: Pair A; J39/J40/J60/J61/J62, Pair B; J43/J44/J59/J60/J62, Pair C; J41/J42/J59/J61/J62, Pair D;
Connect Splitter to Waveform Generator across J3/J4: J17/J19,
Connect DUT input to oscilloscope J86/J87: J71/J77,
Connect Splitter to oscilloscope across J86/J87: J91/J92,
Connect DUT input to Splitter: J99/J100.
Section F: Pair A; TP2, Pair B; TP3, Pair C; TP4, Pair D; TP5
Section G: SMA output to oscilloscope: Pair A; J30/J51, Pair B; J31/J52, Pair C; J53/J32, Pair D; J33/J54
10BT w & w/o Twisted Pair Model section (A)
Use the Twisted Pair Model by installing the jumpers on J1, J6, J14 and J16 and removing the jumpers
from J7, J8, J9 and J10.
Use the No Twisted Pair Model by installing the jumpers on J7, J8, J9 and J10 and removing the jumpers
from J1, J6, J14 and J16.
Use the 100 Ohm load by installing the jumpers on J24 and J25 and removing the jumpers from J20, J21,
J22 and J23.
Use Load 1 by installing the jumpers on J20 and J21 and removing the jumpers from J22, J23, J24 and J25.
Use Load 2 by installing the jumpers on J22 and J23 and removing the jumpers from J20, J21, J24 and J25.
Installing jumper J98 terminates pair A with 100 Ω. If no link partner is being used, this configuration is
required. Removing jumper J98 uses the link partner’s termination of pair A. If a link partner is being used,
this configuration is required. Refer to the
Partner Testing For 10BASE-T & 100BASE-TX Devices
section of this manual for more details.
The output is from J84 and J85, or from J95 using a differential probe. The TPM input signal is available for
a differential probe at J97.
1000BT Jitter section (B)
This section of the board is used for the Master & Slave, Jtxout, Master TX_TCLK Jitter, and Slave TX_TCLK
Jitter tests as specified in IEEE 802.3-2005. To use these tests you must have access to TX_TCLK from the
master (Mode 2) and from the slave (Mode 3); and for Mode 3 you must be able to connect the master to the
slave (through a Gigabit Ethernet Test cable) and still be able to measure both the master’s and slave’s output
signals and TX_TCLK’s. As described previously in this manual, it has been found that almost all devices do not
support these tests. Therefore, we have implemented a form of the test that requires only the data signal, as used
by the Gigabit Ethernet Consortium. If you are using the “Mode 2 w/o TX_TCLK” or “Mode 3 w/o TX_TCLK” tests
please use the Differential Return Loss section (G) of the board; see the description of that section (as follows).
If you have a master and slave with access to TX_TCLK, you need a Gigabit Ethernet Jitter Test cable.
The jumpers on this section of the board are J15, J18, J56, J57 and J58, J66, J69 and J70. The first four connect
to one side of an Ethernet signal pair to J88 through a 453 Ω resistor. The second four connect to the other side
of an Ethernet signal pair to J89 through a 453 Ω resistor. The oscilloscope is connected to J88 and J89. The
signal seen by the oscilloscope is 1/10 the amplitude of the Ethernet signal.