Oscilloscope operation – Teledyne LeCroy QPHY-ENET User Manual

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QPHY-ENET Operator’s Manual Rev G


This topic explains how to operate the oscilloscope manually. All of the following steps explained are automated
when using QualiPHY.

Although the oscilloscope settings can be changed at any time, it is not recommended to do so while a QualiPHY
script configuration is running. Doing so can modify the measurement and give erroneous report results.

The main menu (pictured as follows) is shown at the bottom of the oscilloscope screen. The four buttons on the
left (10Base-T, 100Base-TX, 1000Base-T, and OFF) provide choices for the test standard.

Figure 12. ENET Main Menu

If the Ethernet Tests dialog is closed, it can be redisplayed in its most recent state by selecting Ethernet Tests

from the Analysis menu or by touching the ENET waveform descriptor label at the bottom-left of the screen:

The name in the title bar of the descriptor label indicates the measurement waveform. For the previous case, the
descriptor label is E10Dta.

Note: QualiPHY hides the dialog at the beginning of each script. This allows the best resolution for screen-shots to be incorporated on reports.
If the user chooses to redisplay the dialog, the screen–shots in the report are smaller.