The td series software – Teledyne LeCroy FlexRay Trigger, Decode and Physical Layer Test User Manual

Page 6

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The TD Series Software

The TD option adds the following capability to the LeCroy oscilloscope software user interface dialogs:

1. Serial Trigger Selection

If this is the first serial trigger
option you have installed on
your scope, an additional icon
appears in your trigger dialog
box. It allows a serial trigger
condition to be set from within
the oscilloscope using an easy-
to-understand interface.

2. Serial Decode

If this is the first serial decode
option you have installed on
your scope, an additional set of
Serial Decode and Decode
Setup dialog boxes are provided
for setup of protocol format (as
necessary) and decoding.
These can be accessed from
the Analysis menu.

3. Decode Protocol Selections

FlexRay is one of several signal
types that can be decoded by
the oscilloscope. Other
standards in I



RS-232, CAN and LIN.


FlexRay-TDP-OM-E Rev A