Teledyne LeCroy HFP1500 User Manual
Page 34

HFP1500 High Frequency Probe
922252-00 Rev
21. Record the DMM reading, which should be a positive number, to 10 mV resolution as
’Power Supply Positive Output Voltage’ in the Test Record.
22. Subtract 10 from the output voltage recorded in step B-21. Divide this number by 10.
23. Record the result to three significant places as ’Expected Positive Output Voltage’ in the Test
24. Set the oscilloscope OFFSET to –10.00 V as read on the oscilloscope display.
25. Remove the banana plug adapter from the DMM and connect the precision 50 Ω terminator
to the DMM, making sure that the banana plug side marked ’GROUND" is connected to the
LOW or COMMON input of the DMM.
26. Record the DMM reading to three significant places as ’Measured Positive Output Voltage’
in the Test Record.
27. Subtract the Measured Output Voltage as recorded in step B-26 from the Expected Output
Voltage recorded in step B-23. Be sure to include the sign of the values in the calculation.
28. Record the result to 100 μV resolution as ’Offset Error Voltage’ in the Test Record.
29. Verify that the output error is between ±10.8 mV.
30. Return the oscilloscope offset to 0 Volt. Leave the setup connections for the next step.
C. LF Attenuation Accuracy
1. Disconnect the BNC tee at the power supply from the dual banana plug adapter. Connect
the BNC tee to the output of the function generator. (Use a 50 Ω termination if the function
generator requires such a load).
2. Disconnect the DMM from the precision 50 Ω terminator and connect the DMM to the dual
banana plug adapter connected to the function generator output.
3. Set the DMM to read AC Volt and set the range to measure 5.0 Vrms.
4. Set the mode of the function generator to sine wave, the frequency to 70 Hz and the output
amplitude to 5 Vrms ±10 mV as measured on the DMM.
5. Record the output voltage to 1 mV resolution as ’Generator Output Voltage’ in the Test
Record. Be careful not to alter the output amplitude after the reading is recorded.
6. Divide the reading recorded in step C-5 by 10 and record the result with 100 μV resolution
as ’Expected Output Voltage, top range" in the Test Record.