Prolink probe interface, 92 mm and 2.4 mm probe and cable interfaces – Teledyne LeCroy WaveMaster 8 Zi_Zi-A User Manual
Page 29

Getting Started Manual
922133-00 Rev A
ProBus is based on a BNC connector and, depending on the exact BNC
connector used and the oscilloscope design, is rated for up to 4 GHz with
50 Ω coupling or up to 1 GHz for 1 MΩ coupling (depending on the exact
model purchase).
ProLink Probe Interface
The ProLink interface contains a 6-pin power and communication
connection and a Blind Mate Adapter (BMA) signal connection to the
probe. It offers 50 Ω input impedance and provides probe power and
control for a wide range of probes with bandwidth ratings from 3 GHz to 20
GHz. The nature of the ProLink interface with its recessed BMA connector
means that an adapter must be connected to the ProLink interface to allow
SMA or 2.92/K connector terminated cables to be attached to the
oscilloscope channel. These adapters are normally provided with your
oscilloscope, and are described in ProLink Interface Adapters (on page 22).
2.92 mm and 2.4 mm Probe and Cable Interfaces
Teledyne LeCroy's highest bandwidth oscilloscopes utilize a 2.92mm (up to
36 GHz) or a 2.4mm (up to 45 GHz) probe interface. This interface consists
of a precision connector and a LEMO power and communication connector.
It offers 50 Ω input impedance only.
For more information, refer to Dual Channel Acquisition in the online help.
WaveMaster 8 Zi / Zi-A models use 2.92 mm inputs for the 20 - 36 GHz
signal inputs and 2.92 mm inputs for the 25 - 36 GHz signal inputs. These
inputs are enabled using Digital Bandwidth Interleave (DBI), and they are
contained in the Channel 2 and 3 locations in the ProBus (B) row for the
825Zi-A and 830Zi-A models.
Enable the 2.92 inputs for DBI from the Timebase dialog. Refer to Timebase
Overview (on page 40) for more details. WaveMaster 845Zi-A units use 2.4
mm inputs for the highest bandwidth (45 GHz) signal input.
This bandwidth is only available on channel 3, and the input is enabled
similarly to the 2.92 mm inputs.
The 2.92 mm and 2.4 mm high-bandwidth electrical paths are comprised of
two connector halves/subassemblies which have a common mating
interface. The first connector half is mounted into the oscilloscope
connector panel. The outer end of this connector has a combination of