Wavemaster 8 zi/zi-a oscilloscopes – Teledyne LeCroy WaveMaster 8 Zi_Zi-A User Manual
Page 118
WaveMaster 8 Zi/Zi-A Oscilloscopes
922133-00 Rev A
Using the Param Compare conditions, each Pass/Fail input (Qx) can
compare a different parameter result to a user-defined limit (or statistical
range) under a different condition.
1. With the ParamCompare condition selected on a Qx dialog, touch
inside the Compare Values field and select All or Any from the pop-
up menu.
By selecting All, the test are true only if every waveform falls within
the set limit. Selecting Any makes the test true if just one waveform
falls within the limit.
2. Touch inside the Condition field on the ParamCompare part of the
dialog and select a math operator from the pop-up menu.
3. Touch inside the Limit field and enter a value using the pop-up
numeric keypad. The value entered acquires the dimensions
corresponding to the parameters being tested. For example, if you
are testing a time parameter, the unit is seconds.
If you choose either WithinDeltaPct or WithinDeltaAbs from the
Condition menu (respectively, previous), you also have the choice of
setting the limit by means of the statistical buttons at the bottom of
the ParamCompare dialog: