ID Innovations Bar code Mini Decoder User Manual

Page 28

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Lockout Cloned Reader Setup Mode: OFF


This option is used to lock out the setup mode on the cloned reader. Once the reader has been cloned the only method of
changing the setup is by cloning a different setup into the reader, so use this option with caution. This option is useful for
configuring readers to be used in an environment where the setup must not be changed.

Press ENTER To Begin Cloning


Press the Enter key to activate the cloning mode, from this point, all you need to do is unplug the keyboard and plug in the
decoder to be configured. The cloning reader will then copy its settings to the other decoder, which will beep when it has been
successfully cloned. Unplug the newly cloned decoder and repeat the process with the next reader. Once you have cloned all
of the decoders, plug the keyboard back into the cloning reader and press the ESC key to exit Cloning.

Reset All Defaults F10

Reset All Defaults?: YES



Reset All Defaults returns the unit to initial factory settings.

Exiting Setup Mode and Saving Changes

Once you have configured the decoder, press the ESC key until you see the following prompt:

Exit Setup? (Press ENTER): YES

Use the LEFT and RIGHT arrow keys to toggle between YES and NO, and ENTER once you make your selection. If you have
made any changes to any of the settings, the decoder will prompt you to save changes. If you do not save changes, the
decoder will discard all changes and display the following message:

Setup Aborted - Changes Not Saved

If you save changes, the decoder will display a message indicating that all changes were saved.

Note: A faster method of exiting setup mode is to use the ESC key in conjunction with the CTRL and ALT keys. Use CTRL
ESC to exit setup mode and save all changes, and ALT ESC to exit setup mode without saving changes.

Note: If you wish to exit setup and temporarily save changes you may use SHIFT + ESC. Using this mode to exit you may
change around the options and not have to worry about making mistakes until you exit using CTRL + ESC to exit saving
changes. If you do make a mistake and want to return the program back to its prior state, enter Setup Mode and exit without
saving changes, or power down the decoder.