ID Innovations Bar code Mini Decoder User Manual
Page 23
Active For CODE 39 and you read a CODE 39 bar code, then Macro #1 is executed and then Macro #2
is executed.
Note: If you define a Macro as Active For a specific symbology it will override any macros that are Active For ALL BAR
Order of Precedence
When performing macros the decoder will follow a specific order of precedence. The decoder will make multiple
passes through the defined macros. The manner by which the decoder executes each of the macros is identical to that
of the Edits, for more information see Order of Precedence on page 19.
The following table is an example of the order of precedence for a sample set of Macros and the bar codes scanned.
The Macro # column is the number of the macro in the decoder. The Active For column is the setting for the Active For
option for the macro. The CODE 39 and CODE 128 columns represent the order that the decoder will execute the
macros when CODE 39 and CODE 128 bar codes are read respectively, those marked with NA are not executed.