ID Innovations Bar code Mini Decoder User Manual

Page 12

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Note: If the supplements decoder is configured to be OPTIONAL, it is possible to read a bar code that is printed with a
supplement and not read the supplement.



Enter up to 9 characters to be transmitted before any supplemental data in a UPC/EAN/JAN bar code. If you need to enter
more than 9 characters of data you may use one of the Macros, see page 22, to expand the length of this string by embedding a
character that would not normally appear in the bar code and then using a Macro to expand the character.

Select Option Group: CODE 128 GROUP
Select this option group to modify the individual settings for the CODE 128 decoder. Once you have selected this option group,
you may cursor down to configure each of the following decoder options.

CODE 128: Decoder: ON


Use this option to enable or disable the CODE 128 decoder. The default for this option is ON.


CODE 128: Field Separator: DEC 29 HEX 1D


This is the character that is output in place of the CODE 128 FNC 1 function character if the FNC 1 function character is not in
the first or second character position in the bar code. The default for this character is DEC 29 HEX 1D, which is the ASCII
group separator character GS.

CODE 128: Maximum Length: 164


CODE 128: Minimum Length: 0


Use these options to configure the minimum and maximum lengths of CODE 128 bar codes that can be read. If you configure
the Maximum Length to 10 characters and the Minimum Length to 5 characters, the decoder will not read CODE 128 bar codes
with less than 5 characters and more than 10 characters.


CODE 128: Type ID: g DEC 103 HEX 67


Use this option to configure the Type ID for the CODE 128 bar code. Type ID's can be transmitted as a prefix or a suffix to the
bar code data, for more information see OTHER: Send Bar Code Type ID on page 18.

CODE 128: UCC/EAN Output Prefix:


When you scan a UCC/EAN Code 128 bar code, this string is inserted at the beginning of the bar code data. You may enter up
to 3 characters of data, if you require a long string, you may use a Macro to expand this string, see page 22 for more

CODE 128: Control Character Override: OFF


Use this option to disable all Edits, Macros, Strings, and the Type ID for CODE 128 bar codes that contain control characters.
When this option is enabled and a CODE 128 containing control characters is read, the special key macros are applied, and the
data is transmitted to the computer. With this option enabled, you can use bar codes with special control characters to control
the computer system without going through the standard editing procedures.

CODE 128: Laser/CCD Redundancy: OFF


Use this option to control the Laser/CCD redundancy for CODE 128 bar codes. With this option enabled, a CODE 128 bar code
must be read twice in a row when using a Laser or CCD device, to be considered a good read. This option provides additional
security when scanning poorly printed or damaged bar codes.

Note: Using this option does not require you to physically read the same bar code twice to get a good read. The scanner
continuously sweeps across the bar code the number of times necessary when this mode is enabled, therefore requiring no
additional operator intervention.

Select Option Group: INTERLEAVED 2 OF 5 GROUP
Select this option group to modify the individual settings for the INTERLEAVED 2 of 5 decoder. Once you have selected this
option group, you may cursor down to configure each of the following decoder options.



Use this option to enable or disable the INTERLEAVED 2 of 5 decoder. The default for this option is ON.