ID Innovations Bar code Mini Decoder User Manual
Page 25

change the Keyboard Country, the decoder will convert the international characters to % sequences for display
purposes when configuring the unit.
Indicates a delay in the string. This is useful if you desire the decoder to delay momentarily while transmitting the string
to the computer. The HEX number that follows the * in the string is the number of hundredths of a second to delay
before resuming transmission of the string and card data. The delay ranges from
00 (No delay) to
FF (2.55 second
Specifies a keyboard Scan Code to be sent. This option can be used to emulate a key if it cannot be sent with one of
the above special characters. We recommend you use this option with caution because Scan Codes change for
keyboard countries as well as keyboard interfaces and protocols. To determine the Scan Codes sent for a specific key,
use Show Scan Codes in the Status/Diagnostics category (F8). The HEX number that follows the & in the string is the
Scan Code to be sent, to send multiple Scan Codes you must use & once for each Scan Code.
Note: In order to include the $,#,%,* and & characters in the string, you must double the character. For example, to include
a dollar sign and then a carriage return in a string, enter $$$0D at the string prompt. The consecutive dollar signs indicate
that you want to transmit an actual $ and not a special character.
String #1: Active For: All Bar Code Types
Use this option to specify the bar code types for which the String is active. You may choose a specific symbology or you may
choose to have the string active for all bar code symbologies or all bar code symbologies always. For example, if you define a
string as Active For CODE 39 and you read a CODE 128 bar code, the string will not be inserted. The following is a more
detailed description of each of the settings for this option:
ALL BAR CODE TYPES Will activate the string for all bar code types except when another string is defined for the specific bar
code type that was read. For example, if you have defined String #1 as Active For ALL BAR CODE
TYPES and String #2 as Active For CODE 39 and you read a CODE 39 bar code, then String #2 will be
inserted and String #1 will be ignored.
ALL BAR CODE TYPES - ALWAYS Will activate the string for all bar code types, whether another string was defined for the
specific bar code type that was read or not. For example, if you defined String #1 as Active For ALL
BAR CODE TYPES - ALWAYS and String #2 as Active For CODE 39 and you read a CODE 39 bar
code, both String #1 and String #2 will be inserted.
CODE 39, UPC-A, UPC-E, etc Setting the Active For to a specific bar code symbology will activate the string for bar codes that
are read that match the symbology. If you define more than a single string to be Active For the same
bar code type, each string is inserted in turn. For example, if you define strings #1 and #2 as Active For
CODE 39 and you read a CODE 39 bar code, then String #1 is inserted and then String #2 is inserted.
Note: If you define a String as Active For a specific symbology it will override any strings that are Active For ALL BAR CODE
Order of Precedence
When inserting strings the decoder will follow a specific order of precedence. The decoder will make multiple passes
through the defined strings. The manner by which the decoder inserts each of the strings is similar to that of the Edits,
for more information see Order of Precedence on page 19. For each type of string PREAMBLE, POSTAMBLE, and
TERMINATION, the decoder will make the three passes over the bar code data as described in Edits.
The following table is an example of the order of precedence for a sample set of Strings and the bar codes scanned.
The String # column is the number of the macro in the decoder. The Active For column is the setting for the Active For
option for the macro. The Type column is the type of the string, see below for complete explanation of string types. The
CODE 39 and CODE 128 columns represent the order that the decoder will insert the strings when CODE 39 and
CODE 128 bar codes are read respectively, those marked with NA are not inserted.