Overview – Gilderfluke&Co DMX-512, Serial, and MIDI Output Smart Bricks User Manual

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The BS-DMX-Tx and BS-Serial are two different Smart Bricks that are built on the same

chasis. They are both used to store animation and lighting data which is transmitted as a
DMX-512 or serial data stream. The BS-Serial is an upgraded version of the BS-DMX-Tx that
has a second serial port. It transmits DMX-512 data as well, but can simultaneously transmit
serial data in a number of different formats. It has dedicated modes for controlling MIDI de-
vices, Moog Motion Bases, Intelix matrix mixers, Rexroth DCC Servo cards, and more. The
second serial port can be set to operate at baud rates from 2400 baud to 115 Kbaud.

Both the BS-DMX-Tx and BS-Serial output cards feature a single DMX-512 output and a

port for attaching Z-Bricks. They are designed to be used as an output card for use in a
PC¥MACs system, or as a playback only Smart Brick in a Smart Brick installation. They can be
used in two different ways:

1) BS-Serial as a Remote Terminal Unit (RTU): Because the BS-DMX-Tx does not

check for validity on this received data before using it to update its outputs, this is
not a recommended mode of operation for the BS-DMX-Tx. In this mode the BS-
Serial receives up to 256 channels of DMX-512 data transmitted by a PC¥MACs
Animation Control System, or any other source of DMX-512 data. The BS-Serial
card uses this data to update its outputs. The DMX-512 input allows the BS-Serial
Bricks to be used as a permanent output device for a PC¥MACs, or the DMX-512
input can be used temporarily until an Eprom is programmed so the cards can
be used as a Smart Bricks.

2) BS-DMX-Tx or BS-Serial as a Smart Brick: These card acts just like any other

Playback-Only Smart Bricks, playing animation data from on-board Eprom(s). As
Smart Bricks, they require a Smart Brick Brain to run. The Smart Brick Brain tells all of
the Smart bricks attached to it (including the BS-DMX-Tx or BS-Serial Smart Bricks)
where in the show it is at any given instant. The BS-DMX-Tx or BS-Serial Smart Bricks
then use this information to access the appropriate data in the Eprom(s) and up-
date their outputs. The Eprom data from a BS-DMX-Tx will always start at DMX ad-
dress 0. The BS-Serial allows you to offset the start of the Eprom data to any of the
first 256 DMX addresses. The animation sequence which is to be is used on the
BS-DMX-Tx or BS-Serial Smart Bricks is usually generated on a PC¥MACs Animation
Control System. While it is being generated, the DMX-512 input mode is used so
that you can see the animation data.

In either of the above modes, all 256 channels of DMX-512 or Eprom data are transmit-

ted through the Z-Brick and/or DMX-512 data outputs. The Z-Brick output can be used for
additional digital outputs through one or more Z-Bricks. The DMX-512 output can be used
to control light dimmers, automated spotlights, color changers, fog and wind machines, or
any other pieces of equipment which will accept standard DMX-512 inputs.

The BS-DMX-Tx or BS-Serial Smart Bricks can be mounted in one 1Ó wide slot in any of our

Brick Card cages. The BS-DMX-Tx or BS-Serial Smart Bricks can be used in conjunction with
any selection of Smart Bricks, Smart Brick Brains, Electronic FeedBack (EFB) Smart Bricks and
Z-Bricks in the same card cage. Card cages with one, two, three or sixteen slots are avail-
able. The card cages provide all of the connections for power supply, control signals and



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