Gilderfluke&Co DMX-512, Serial, and MIDI Output Smart Bricks User Manual

Page 37

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The Moog Motion bases have two operating modes. In ÔDOFÕ mode, the data is stored in ÔDegrees of

FreedomÕ. The PC that is located under the motion base translates these values to the actual leg lengths
that are needed to get the motion base to the desired position. Channels are used as follows:

Channel 0: Roll
Channel 1: Pitch
Channel 2: Heave (all axis up/down)
Channel 3: Surge
Channel 4: Yaw
Channel 5: Sway

In ÔLengthÕ mode, the six axis of control are applied directly to the six legs of the motion base. No trans-

lation is needed by the PC under the motion base.

If the Moog motion base is in the wrong mode (Length or DOF), the BS-Serial will send the commands

to put it into the appropriate mode.

In all cases the analog axis are addressed starting at Ф00Х. Following the analog data is a digital byte

which contains several commands that the Moog Motion Bases will respond to. For the three possible reso-
lutions, the following addresses must be used:

Eight Bit Resolution: Analogs at 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Digital control word at 6
Twelve Bit Resolution: Analogs at 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8. Digital control word at 9
Sixteen Bit Resolution: Analogs at 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10. Digital control word at 12

In Sixteen bit mode, the Moog Motion Base will only follow resolutions to fifteen bits. For this reason, the

BS-Serial code has been written to divide the sixteen bit values in half before they are sent to the motion
base. In all resolutions, the Eprom should be saved starting with address Ф00Х, and the ÔFirst Address in
EpromÕ should be set to Ф00Х.

The bits within the Moog Control Word are used as follows:

Bit 0:

E-Stop: When this bit is active, it forces the Moog Motion Base into the E-Stop con-

dition. As this is pretty drastic for a Moog Motion Base (it requires the PC under it to be
rebooted), the use of this bit should be strictly limited. It is valid in all motion base
states except ÔdisabledÕ, when the motion base stops listening to the serial port alto-

Bit 1:

Park: This command is valid only when the Moog Motion Base is in either Engaged

or Standby modes. When this bit goes active, the motion base will return to the
ÔparkedÕ position and enter ÔIdleÕ mode. This command is usually programmed into the
end of a show to bring the motion base home for loading/unloading. Once a park
command is issued, the motion profile data is ignored by the motion base as it heads
to its home position.

Bit 2:

Engage: This command is valid only when the Moog Motion Base is in Idle mode.

and operating with sixteen bit resolution. This command is used to move the motion
base from the home position to the ÔflyingÕ position and enter the ÔEngagedÕ mode.
During the time after this command is issued until the motion base enters the
ÔEngagedÕ mode it is in what is called ÔStandbyÕ mode. During Standby mode you must
hold all of the position values at the the following levels. If you do not, then the mo-
tion base will enter a fault mode and not Engage again until you have issued a ÔResetÕ
command. Be aware that there is an anomaly in the Moog software that will cause it
to fault out at least once the first time you try to Engage it. You will then need to issue
a ÔResetÕ command and try again.

DOF mode:

All axis but Heave = 32,767
Heave = 58,000

Length Mode: All axis = 2048

Bit 3:

Start: This command is valid only when the Moog Motion Base is in Idle mode. This

command is just like the ÔEngageÕ command above, except that it allows you to de-
fine the starting position for the ride vehicle. It can be used if you are using eight,
twelve or sixteen bit resolution position commands. You set the starting position by



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