Bs-serial in moog modes – Gilderfluke&Co DMX-512, Serial, and MIDI Output Smart Bricks User Manual
Page 36

BS-Serial in Moog Modes
For a BS-Serial that is in Moog DOF mode, the menu will appear as follows. If an Eprom is found, the
size of the first show is displayed at the top of the screen. If no Eprom is found, the Ônot foundÕ will appear
in the place of the show size:
-Gilderfluke & Company - Serial Output Smart Brick - v1.05 - copyright 1999 DCM-
EPROM: 123 channels @ 30 FPS / first show is 12345 frames long
a) 1st address in Eprom- __0
b) baud rate- 57.6 KBaud
c) DMX Rx checksums- yes
d) sequencer enabled- yes
e) frame rate divided/2- no
f) numbering system- decimal
g) VT-52 display- yes
h) operating mode- Moog / DOF mode
p) motion base ID- 1
i) monitor channel- none
q) Moog status on DMX- 123 thru 133
j) min/max limits- 0/32767 | heave- 6550/29000
k) analog resolutions- 16 bits
l) string trigger channel- none
m) edit strings....
t) oversampling- 2x
o) reload defaults....
r) download configuration....
Enter Command-
For a BS-Serial in Moog Length mode, the menu will appear as follows:
-Gilderfluke & Company - Serial Output Smart Brick - v1.05 - copyright 1999 DCM-
EPROM: 123 channels @ 30 FPS / first show is 12345 frames long
a) 1st address in Eprom- __0
b) baud rate- 57.6 KBaud
c) DMX Rx checksums- yes
d) sequencer enabled- yes
e) frame rate divided/2- no
f) numbering system- decimal
g) VT-52 display- yes
h) operating mode- Moog / length mode
p) motion base ID- 1
i) monitor channel- none
q) Moog status on DMX- 123 thru 133
j) min/max limits- 1024/23142
k) analog resolutions- 16 bits
l) string trigger channel- none
m) edit strings....
t) oversampling- 2x
o) reload defaults....
r) download configuration....
Enter Command-
Moog Motion bases accept a stream of serial data with a very specific format and then respond with a
status message that the BS-Serial card must pay a good bit of attention to to determine what mode the
Motion base is in. The Moog Motion bases must be updated at sixty times per second, no matter what (it
puts the motion base into an error mode if an update is missed).
& C
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. ¥ B
, CA 91502 ¥ 818/840-9484 ¥ 800/776-5972 ¥
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