Bs-serial in midi mode – Gilderfluke&Co DMX-512, Serial, and MIDI Output Smart Bricks User Manual

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BS-Serial in MIDI Mode

For a BS-Serial in MIDI mode, the menu will appear as follows. If an Eprom is found, the size of the first

show is displayed at the top of the screen. If no Eprom is found, the Ônot foundÕ will appear in the place of
the show size:

-Gilderfluke & Company - Serial Output Smart Brick - v1.05 - copyright 1999 DCM-

EPROM: 123 channels @ 30 FPS / first show is 12345 frames long

a) 1st address in Eprom- _10
b) baud rate- 9600 baud
c) DMX Rx checksums- yes
d) sequencer enabled- yes
e) frame rate divided/2- no
f) numbering system- decimal
g) VT-52 display- yes
h) operating mode- MIDI (set baud rate for MIDI!)

i) monitor channel- _10

j) MIDI keyboard channels- _11 thru _26
k) voice- 01, press vel- _64, release vel- _64
l) string trigger channel- _27
m) edit strings...

o) reload defaults....
r) download configuration....

Enter Command-

a) First Addressed in Eprom: Any DMX-512 data that is sent to the BS-Serial will be passed

through at the same address at which it was received. This command is used to offset the
data from the on-board Eproms to match the addresses that were used when you were pro-
gramming. As an example, if the outputs you are using start at 10, then you need to create
the Eprom files set starting with a ÔstartÕ of 10 in the PC¥MACs program. When playing back
from the BS-Serial, the data will need to be offset to Ф10Х so that the channels are reproduced
at the same locations where they were when you were programming.

b) Baud Rate: This command sets the speed at which serial data is sent out of the BS-SerialÕs seri-

al port when the card isnÕt in configuration mode. The baud rates available on the BS-Serial

1) MIDI baud rate (31,250 baud)

2400 baud


4800 baud


9600 baud


19.2 KBaud


38.4 KBaud


57.6 KBaud


115.2 KBaud

The baud rate must be set to match the device you are trying to talk to. In the case of

MIDIÊ devices, you need to make sure that the baud rate has been set to ÔMIDIÕ. As in the
screen above, the BS-Serial will warn you if the baud rate has not been set properly. No matter
what baud rate you select here, the configuration mode will always run at 9600 baud.

c) DMX Rx Checksum: This toggle is used to enable and disable the error checking in data re-

ceived through the DMX-512 data input. Without it, the BS-Serial Smart Brick won't be able to
recognize errors in the incoming data, and may update the outputs with this bad data. It
should be left ON whenever running from a PC¥MACs or other DMX-512 source that supports
this checksum. All Gilderfluke & Company send this checksum. If this toggle is ON and the



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