Gilderfluke&Co DMX-512, Serial, and MIDI Output Smart Bricks User Manual
Page 42

In the example above, the strings have been set to send out strings that display the bit
number and the word ÔRisingÕ or ÔFallingÕ.
Oversampling: This is a Moog Mode specific command. The Moog Motion bases must be up-
dated through their serial ports at sixty times per second. Animation systems typically are up-
dated at thirty times per second. Normally the same data is sent to the Motion Base twice on
each frame. When this toggle is ON, the BS-Serial will interpolate the incoming data from thirty
frames per second to sixty frames per second for the Moog Motion Base. This makes for a
much smoother ride, and there is no reason to ever turn this off if you are running a Moog
motion Base.
u) Download configuration: This command is used to save the current configuration of the BS-
Serial Smart Brick through the serial port to a file on your computer. This file can then be
reloaded into this, or any other BS-Serial Smart Brick. To use this command, you first invoke it,
then following the instructions, you set your computer to receive a string of ASCII characters.
You then press any key to tell the BS-Serial Smart Brick to send out it's configuration. When it
has finished, you then tell your computer to stop saving characters, and then hit any key to
tell the BS-Serial Smart Brick to redraw the screen.
o) Reload Default Configuration: This command reloads the default configuration to the BS-
Serial Smart Brick. This will overwrite any configuration data which was in the BS-Serial.
Upload configuration: This command (which doesn't appear on the menu) is the compliment
of the Download Configuration command. To invoke it, all you need to do is tell your modem
program to send the file saved by the 'download' command back to the BS-Serial Smart Brick.
This will automatically invoke the upload command and store the incoming data.
+) Data Dump: This command (which doesn't appear on the menu) dumps out the DMX output
buffer and the configuration memory onto the screen. This started as some developmental
routines, and there was plenty of space available, so what the hell.
& C
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