Gilderfluke&Co DMX-512, Serial, and MIDI Output Smart Bricks User Manual
Page 38

sending any legal position commands to the motion base and issuing this command.
During the time after this command is issued until the motion base enters the
ÔEngagedÕ mode it is in what is called ÔStandbyÕ mode. During Standby mode the posi-
tions must not change until the motion base has entered the ÔEngagedÕ mode.
Bit 4:
Reset: This command is valid only when the Moog Motion Base is in either Fault or
Inhibit modes. This command is used to reset low level error conditions in the Moog
Motion Base. Examples of errors that this command will reset are those Ôposition errorsÕ
that are caused when you try to ÔEngageÕ the Motion Base without sending it the ap-
propriate position data.
Bit 5:
Inhibit: This command is valid only when the Moog Motion Base is in either Power
Up or Idle modes. This is a temporary method of deactivating the motion base. When
ÔInhibitedÕ, the motion base will ignore further commands until it receives a ÔResetÕ
a) First Addressed in Eprom: Any DMX-512 data that is sent to the BS-Serial will be passed
through at the same address at which it was received. This command is used to offset the
data from the on-board Eproms to match the addresses that were used when you were pro-
gramming. Always use a value of Ф00Х when in either of the Moog modes.
b) Baud Rate: This command sets the speed at which serial data is sent out of the BS-SerialÕs seri-
al port when the card isnÕt in configuration mode. The baud rates available on the BS-Serial
MIDI baud rate (31,250 baud)
2400 baud
4800 baud
9600 baud
19.2 KBaud
38.4 KBaud
7) 57.6 KBaud
115.2 KBaud
The baud rate must be set to match the device you are trying to talk to. Moog Motion
bases only speak at 57.6 KBaud. The baud rate must be set to this speed. No matter what
baud rate you select here, the configuration mode will always run at 9600 baud.
c) DMX Rx Checksum: This toggle is used to enable and disable the error checking in data re-
ceived through the DMX-512 data input. Without it, the BS-Serial Smart Brick won't be able to
recognize errors in the incoming data, and may update the outputs with this bad data. It
should be left ON whenever running from a PC¥MACs or other DMX-512 source that supports
this checksum. All Gilderfluke & Company send this checksum. If this toggle is ON and the
DMX-512 data received doesnÕt have the checksum in it, both the DMX LED and the ÔBoard
ErrorÕ LED will be ON.
d) Sequencer Enabled: This toggle enables and disables the BS-Serial Smart Brick to use the
Animation Data Eprom. When it is OFF, nothing will be output even when the Smart Brick
Network is active. If it is ON, then the data from the Animation Data Eprom will be sent out
when the Smart Brick Network is active unless the BS-Serial is receiving DMX-512 data, which
takes precedence.
e) Frame Rate /2: This feature is not normally used with Moog Motion Base modes. This toggle is
used to drop the frame rate of the data being played back from the Eproms or DMX-512 by
half. This cuts the number of messages that are sent out the serial and DMX-512 ports by half.
When controlling many serial devices, the limiting factor in the number of channels that can
be controlled is often the amount of data you can jam through at the highest supported baud
rates. A secondary advantage of slowing the frame rate by half is that the same sized Eprom
can then hold twice the time as it otherwise could.
When this feature is used, the main part of the show is typically run at thirty FPS and the
outputs from the BS-Serial will update at fifteen FPS. The show that is used to generate the
Eprom data for a slowed BS-Serial Smart Bricks should be programmed at half the rate of the
& C
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