Sonnet Technologies eSATA Extender Cable User Manual
Sonnet esata extender, Installation instructions for esata extender, Sata-to-esata extension cable for mac

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Sonnet eSATA Extender
SATA-to-eSATA Extension Cable for Mac
Installation Instructions for eSATA Extender
You Should Have
The following items should be included in your product package:
• One Sonnet eSATA SATA-to-eSATA extension cable
The following items may be required for installation:
• Medium Phillips screwdriver (magnetic tip suggested)
• Flexible metal putty knife (for use in pre-2008 Mac Pro
System Requirements
The Sonnet eSATA Extender requires the following in order to
install into your system:
• One available PCI Express (PCIe) slot back panel opening
How to Identify Which Mac Pro You Have
The Sonnet eSATA Extender works in all Mac Pro computers,
but the installation procedure differs based on the design. The
installation instructions section of this document is broken into
two sections; instructions for the original Mac Pro design (pre-
2008) and the current model (Early 2008).
The simplest way to identify which model you have is to look
at the memory riser cards (where the RAM is installed). In pre-
2008 Mac Pro computers, the memory riser card components are
oriented the same direction (see
Figure 6 on page 3), while in
Early 2008 Mac Pro computers, the components are oriented in
opposite directions (see
Figure 30 on page 11).
Instructions for pre-2008 Mac Pro start on the next page;
instructions for Early 2008 Mac Pro start on page 10.
Usage Information
Connecting drives:
• You must power on and connect drive enclosures to the Sonnet eSATA
Extender before you turn on your computer. Your computer will
not recognize the drives if you connect them or power on the
enclosures after startup.
• This product does not support drive enclosures with port multipliers.
The Sonnet eSATA Extender merely enables you to connect
additional hard disk drives to the Mac Pro’s logic board, which
does not support multipliers. Use only enclosures with direct
connections (one eSATA cable per drive).
Swapping drives:
• This product does not support drive hot-swapping or hot-plugging.
The Mac Pro’s logic board does not support drive swapping; you
must shut down the computer before changing drives.
Disconnecting drives:
• You must shut down your computer before you power off or disconnect
drive enclosures from the Sonnet eSATA Extender. Your computer will
not recognize the drives if you connect them or power on the
enclosures after startup.
Powering Off drives:
• DO NOT power off a drive connected to the Sonnet eSATA Extender
while the computer is on, even if you have “ejected” it (selected Eject
from a menu or dragged the drive to the eject icon in the dock). Your
computer may experience a kernel panic.
Identifying drives connected to the Sonnet eSATA Extender:
• System Profiler and Disk Utility identify drives connected to the
eSATA Extender as internal drives, but do not assign them bay
numbers. However, Disk Utility will identify the drives as “Drive
4” and “Drive 5”; drives mounted in the computer are assigned
numbers 0–3.