0 jumper settings, 1 j2, j3, j4, j5, 2 j6 jumper – Ronan X120 User Manual

Page 10: 3 j7 jumper, 4 j8, j9 jumpers, 5 j10, j11 jumpers, Tatus, Led (g, Reen, Jumper settings

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Note 2: Make sure that all the burg jumpers (J2, J3, J4, J5) are installed properly.




J2, J3, J4, J5

Refer to section 4.0.


J6 Jumper

The DS1232 (U9) provides a watchdog timer function by forcing RST and RST signals to the active state
when the ST input is not simulated for a predetermined time. The time period is set by the TD input to
be 150 ms with TD connected to ground (J6-2&3 installed), 600 ms with TD left unconnected (J6 not
installed), and 1.2 seconds with TD connected to Vcc (J6-1&2 installed).

The factory setting is (J6-1&2 installed)


J7 Jumper

This jumper is for setting the horn relay contact to normally open or normally closed. The horn relay is
normally energized. To set the horn relay output contact, install (J7-1&2) for normally open and (J7-2&3)

for normally closed.

The factory setting is normally open (J7-1&2 installed)


J8, J9 Jumpers

These jumpers are to enable/disable the data transmission to test port (P1). P1 port is used for testing the
X120 boards and can be connected to any terminal with the RS232 port to display the ASCII data

transmitted by the X120 to the X110.

Install J8 & J9 to enable and remove J8 & J9 to disable the data transmission from the X120 to RS232 test

port P1.

The factory setting (J8&J9 installed)


The J8 & J9 are installed only on the master controller board to test the system.


J10, J11 Jumpers

These jumpers are to enable/disable the data reception from RS232 test port (P1) and they are used only
for testing the system.

The factory setting is (J10&J11 installed)


If you install J10 & J11 for testing the system, disconnect the cable between the X120 and