Kasco Marine Robust-Aire User Manual

Page 9

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Winter Warning

Check your local laws and ordinances as some areas

require warning signs to be posted. The owner will

assume all risks with operating the Robust-Aire

System during winter months.

Operating the Robust-Aire


system during the winter

or freezing temperatures may create open areas of

ice at the diffuser locations. Also, ice will be thin

surrounding those areas. Extreme caution should be

used in these areas to avoid injury or fatality from

falling through the ice. It is highly recommended to

use warning signs to indicate the danger to others.

In the spring, refer back to the Startup procedure to

avoid a fish kill.

Winter Operating Tip:

In climates where temperatures are likely to fall below

freezing, it is recommended that you insulate the air

lines from the compressor cabinet to a minimum of

3 feet into the water. Using closed cell polyurethane

foam to insulate your air lines will prevent ice buildup

in the lines which can occur due to condensation. Ice

buildup in the line can block the flow of air to your

diffuser and can cause damage to your compressor.

If your body of water fluctuates greatly, run the

insulation further in the water to account for low water

level. You want the air line to be insulated through

any ice thickness and into an area of water that will be

below the ice level.

If only desiring to keep a small area open to prevent

winterkill, it is recommended to move the diffusers

closer to shore to allow shoreline to be in direct

contact with the ice-free opening.


Warning! Product surfaces become very hot during

operation, allow product surfaces to cool before


Warning! Disconnect electrical power supply cord

before performing maintenance.

This compressor is oil-less and requires NO


Check intake filter after the first 500 hours of

operation. Clean filter and determine how frequently

filters should be checked during future operation.

Startup Procedure

Important Installation Warning

Thermal stratification refers to the layering that can

occur in some lakes which allows warmer (less dense)

water to sit on the top of colder denser water on the

lake bottom. The Robust-Aire™ Diffuser system has

been designed to keep thermal stratification from

occurring in the first place.

In the event that you install your unit into a body of

water that is extremely stratified, caution should be

used as you start up the unit. In some cases the colder

water sitting on the bottom could be holding gases

that if totally mixed within the water column could be

harmful to fish. There could also be concern that the

colder water has little or no dissolved oxygen.

I suppose you are asking yourself “what does

this mean by extremely stratified and how do I

measure it?” A simple method of testing for thermal

stratification is to drop a thermometer into the body

of water and slowly check for temperature change

from the surface to the depths of the lakes. Our

suggestion would be to measure temperature every

two feet. Be sure to keep the thermometer at a given

depth long enough for the correct temperature to be

measured and then bring it to the surface fast and read

it immediately.

If the colder water (4 degrees F colder than the surface

water) represents more than 30% of the overall water

volume, it is suggested to allow the water to mix at a

slower pace by not running the system continuouly but

for only short time intervals. Suggested start up on

time for the unit for a stratified lake might be initially

running for 1 hour per day during daylight hours for

the first week and gradually increase until running

continuously. Each lake will react slightly different to

our unit so a precise timeframe is difficult to predict.

Sunny days are preferable to cloudy days to start the

system because the photosynthesis will supplement

oxygen levels as the water is mixed.

If you are at all uncertain about this procedure, contact

the distributor you purchased the unit from or e-mail

us at [email protected]