1 creating user types – DoorKing Remote Account Manager User Manual
Page 19

Creating User Types
There are two types of users that can be created in the program; Administrators and Data Entry. Administrators
have access to all levels and features of the program while Data Entry users are limited to daily tasks such as
adding or removing resident names and sending updated information to the access system. When creating user
types, the first one MUST be an Administrator. Up to 20 Administrators and 20 Data Entry user types can be
entered in the program.
1. Under OPTIONS, select USER INFO from the pull down menu to display the Modify User window.
2. Click the CREATE button to display the Create the User window.
3. Enter the administrators name and create a password (by system default, this first user MUST be
an administrator; therefore the user type is defaulted to this). Click OK when done.
4. Enter additional names and passwords as required. Once the first name is entered, you can now
select the user type from the pull down menu. Up to 20 administrators and 20 date entry users can
be created.
5. When complete, click CLOSE on the modify user screen to return to the ACCOUNT screen.
Figure 2