Liquid Controls SCAMP User Manual
Page 7

in this case, no left-shifting. The flow rate value must be an integer greater than
NOTE: If desired, individual calibration points may be disabled by entering any number
less than -3.000.
♦ Depress the Data Entry Pushbutton located on SCAMP to enter the new flow rate
value into memory. The LED display will now scroll the new value to verify that it has
been successfully loaded into memory. If the data was not accepted, an error code
will be displayed. Refer to “Error Message” table on pages 13 and 14. NOTE: When
the flow rate field is set, the percent error field is flagged as “not set” and will not be
displayed on the LED display.
♦ Next, Set the Data Switches located along the top edge of the SCAMP circuit board
to the appropriate values to represent the percent error for your meter (listed for
Point 0 on your Meter Calibration Sheet), starting with the left-most switch (sw5). The
right-most switch (sw1) is reserved for an extra digit to establish positioning (left-
shifting) of the decimal point. For example, an error of 0.100% would be entered as
10004, where the last digit (“4”) specifies the positioning of the decimal point, i.e.,
left-shifting four digits. Negative values are entered using a zero “0” in the first-digit
position (sw5). For example, an error of –0.100% would be entered on the Data
Switches as 01003. The error percentage value must be greater than or equal to
-3.000 and less than or equal to 3.000.
♦ Depress the Data Entry Pushbutton located on SCAMP to enter the new error
percentage value into memory. The LED display will now scroll the flow rate and
percentage error to verify that the value has been successfully loaded into memory,
e.g. “F3704 P0.1”.
♦ Perform the identical operations for additional flow rates by moving the Function
Switch to the “
” position (and then entering data), then to the “2” position, and so
forth, for a maximum of up to sixteen flow rates.
Summary of how values are interpreted by Multi-Point Calibration Setup
Entered Value
Interpreted As
Integer values greater than
Flow Rate
Resets the flow rate value
to the new value and clears
the percent error field.
Any value greater than or
equal to -3.000 and less
than or equal to 3.000.
Percent Error
If the flow rate has been
set, the percent error is
reset to the new value. If
the flow rate has not been
set, an "E22" is generated.
Any Value less than -3.000. Disable Point
The point is disabled and
"E20" is displayed.
All other values.
Range Error
The current data remains
intact and "E1" is displayed.