Liquid Controls SCAMP User Manual
Page 6

Multi-point calibration permits compensating for inherent meter error across the full
range of flow rates for the meter, thereby providing near-perfect meter accuracy for
deliveries from maximum flow to minimum flow. SCAMP allows multi-point calibration for
up to 16 different flow rates. Typically, the majority of the selected flow rates will be in
the low to mid flow range where most meter inaccuracy occurs.
Two data entries are required for each linearization point to complete a multi-point
calibration: i.e., specification of a target flow rate, expressed in pulse edges per second,
and specification of a percentage error at that flow rate as determined by prover runs or
reference to the Meter Calibration Sheet.
When accessing the multi-point calibration data in steps 5A through 5C below, ensure
that the “0/1” jumper is in the “1” position.
NOTE: It is NOT required that multi-point data be programmed for each or any of the 16
available points. If the data entered into SCAMP matches the data on your Meter
Calibration Sheet, you may move ahead to Step 6.
STEP 5A: Checking the Factory Programmed Multi-Point Calibration Data
♦ Set the Function Switch in the “0” position, and observe the scrolling LED display
to confirm that the same value is indicated by the LED display as listed on the Meter
Calibration Sheet. Your scrolling display will consist of the alpha character “F”
followed by up to four digits identifying the flow rate in pulse edges per second for
which the calibration was made. Immediately following is the alpha character “P”
followed by the value representing the percentage error at that flow rate. For
example, “F2447 P0.113” represents a 0.113% delivery error at the flow rate
represented by 2447 pulses per second. A display of “E20” indicates that no
correction has been programmed for that point.
♦ Repeat this verification procedure by placing the Function Switch in positions 1
through F to confirm that the correct data is loaded into the SCAMP memory. Use
the Meter Calibration Sheet as your reference.
STEP 5B: Entering Multi-Point Calibration Data (From Meter Calibration Sheet)
If the factory-programmed multi-point calibration data has been inadvertently lost from
memory or needs to be changed it can be entered into SCAMP by referencing your
Meter Calibration Sheet
and performing the following operations.
♦ Move the Function Switch to the “0” position. If there is no data (display shows
“E20”), or if you wish to change the value currently in memory, proceed as follows:
♦ Set the Data Switches located along the top edge of the SCAMP circuit board to the
appropriate values to represent the flow rate in pulse edges per second for your
meter. Refer to your Meter Calibration Sheet. Start with the left-most switch (sw5).
The right-most switch (sw1) is reserved for an extra digit to establish positioning (left-
shifting) of the decimal point. For example, a pulse rate of 3704 would be entered as
37040, where the last digit (“0”) specifies the positioning of the decimal