Liquid Controls SCAMP User Manual

Page 14

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Disabling Errors

Error Code



The program code space of the SCAMP has been corrupted and needs to be
reloaded. Contact Liquid Controls on how to proceed.


An excessive number of pulser reversals have occurred. Once flow has
stopped, ensure that the pulser is connected properly to the SCAMP and try
running flow again. If the problem persists, the pulser may need to be replaced.


Scalar adjustment range error. The quadrature scalar was adjusted by
linearization or temperature compensation so that it represents a k-Factor less
than 4.000. Ensure that the linearization tables were set up correctly and that
the temperature compensation parameter was entered correctly.


Adjacent flow rate points in the linearization table have percent errors with a
difference greater than 0.250%. Find the two points whose difference is out of
range and use a spare point to fill the gap. If all points have been used, a re-
analysis of the data will need to be performed so as to ensure no two adjacent
flow rate points have a difference greater than 0.250%.


Incomplete linearization table setup. A flow rate was set for a point, but the
percent error field was not set. Find the point that is causing the error and
either disable the point by entering an invalid flow rate, e.g. 04002, or set the
percent error field for the point.


An error occurred while reading from the non-volatile data storage device.
Attempt to clear the error by performing a “Clear All” operation. This is done by
moving the “0/1” jumper to the “0” position, setting the Function Switch and all
Data Switches to “0”, and pressing the Data Entry pushbutton.

WARNING: After a successful “Clear All” operation, it will be necessary to
re-enter all calibration data. You may want to record all accessible data
before performing the “Clear All” to minimize the re-calibration effort.


An error occurred while writing to the non-volatile data storage device. Try
setting the field again. If the field cannot be set successfully, attempt to clear
the error by performing a “Clear All” operation. This is done by moving the “0/1”
jumper to the “0” position, setting the Function Switch and all Data Switches to
“0”, and pressing the Data Entry pushbutton. If the problem persists, the
SCAMP unit will need to be replaced.

WARNING: After a successful “Clear All” operation, it will be necessary to
re-enter all calibration data. You may want to record all accessible data
before performing the “Clear All” to minimize the re-calibration effort.


The current temperature is out of range for the volume compensation type
selected. Verify that the temperature probe is returning the correct temperature
by moving the "0/1" jumper to the “0” position, setting the Function Switch to
“C”, and reading the displayed temperature. If the temperature value is
incorrect, replace the temperature probe. If the problem persists, the SCAMP
unit will need to be replaced.

NOTE: The last Disabling Error Code (error codes greater than or equal to 100) may be
viewed by setting the “0/1” jumper to the “0” position, the Function Switch to the “E”
position, and observing the LED display. The last error code can be deleted
(recommended only after resolution of the error) by setting all the Data Switches to “0”,
and pressing the Data Entry pushbutton with the Function Switch in the “E” position.