Controlled Products Systems Group 0-205679 User Manual
Page 79

The yellow LED continues to blink slowly.
To disable this feature, press:
30 # 0 # 0 # **
The yellow LED continues to blink slowly.
Press * to exit Program mode.
4.4.5 Error Lockout
The prox.pad plus controller maintains a count of the
number of consecutive invalid keypad PINs and prox
cards that have been entered. This count is reset by
entering a valid keypad PIN, presenting a pro-
grammed prox card, pressing the program button, en-
tering a valid [99 # Master code*] sequence, or by the
expiration of the keypad timer.
Entering an incorrect Master code in a [99 # Master
Code*] sequence does increment the invalid PIN entry
count. This ensures that attempts to guess the Master
code are not overlooked.
When the invalid entry counter reaches the user-speci-
fied level, the error lockout is activated. Error threshold
is programmed through parameter 32 # 0 #, and is
defaulted to three attempts.
Once the error lockout threshold is reached, the key-
pad is locked out and the yellow LED lights solidly.
This duration defaults to 10 seconds, and is changed
with command 32, parameter 1.
4.4 Programming Keypad Options and Parameters
Chapter 4: Programming
prox.pad plus Install/Program. Manual, PPP, D4b
Part No. 6105679, Rev. 1.1