Clear-Com TEL-14 User Manual
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T E L - 1 4 T W O - C H A N N E L T E L E P H O N E I N T E R F A C E
3 - 2
4. A telephone call to the TEL-14 cannot be answered from a station. The red
Ring/Off Hook LED lights when the line is called.
• Check that the call can be answered by pressing the Hook button while the
call is ringing. The Auto Answer LED should turn from red to green when a
ringing call is answered.
• Check the Matrix programming to stations which cannot pick up the call.
5. When the Self-Service Dial-In feature of the Matrix intercom is used,
additional tones are heard over the incoming call prompts.
• Set the Splash Tones option switch S1-7 to the OFF position to eliminate the
tones that the TEL-14 produces at the start of a call.
6. Telephone calls cannot be placed from a station. The green Ring/Off Hook
LED does not light when a call is attempted.
• Check that the telephone line can be seized by pressing the Hook button. The
Auto Answer LED should light green when the line is seized.
• Make sure the Matrix Control option Switch S6-6 is set to the ON position.
• Check the Matrix programming to stations which cannot seize the telephone
line to make a call. Refer to the Setup Menu and Interfaces Menu Sections of
the Operation Manual.
7. Telephone calls cannot be placed from a station. The green Ring/Off Hook
LED lights when a call is attempted. Dial tone is heard at the station.
• If DTMF dialing will not stop dial tone, press the Auto Gain button to light
the yellow Auto Gain Adjustable LED. Increase the send volume just to the
point where DTMF dialing will stop dial tone.
8. Telephone calls disconnect when transferring between Matrix stations.
• Set the Immediate Manual Disconnect option switch S1-6 to the OFF
position to allow a delay of 15 seconds before disconnecting as a result of
station release.
9. Telephone calls disconnect within 2 or 3 seconds after answering.
• Set the Sense Loop Current Interruption option switch S1-5 to the OFF
position. This condition indicates that there is below normal DC current on
the telephone line.