Clear-Com TEL-14 User Manual
Page 24

T E L - 1 4 T W O - C H A N N E L T E L E P H O N E I N T E R F A C E
2 - 1 0
Switch S1-4 Sense Reorder Tone:
The TEL-14 can automatically disconnect
from the telephone line when it senses reorder (fast busy) tone. If necessary, this
capability can be disabled. To enable automatic disconnects resulting from
reorder tone, set option switch S1-4 to ON. To disable automatic disconnects
resulting from reorder tone, set option switch S1-4 to OFF. The factory default
setting is ON, providing an automatic disconnect when the TEL-14 senses
reorder tone.
Switch S1-5 Sense Loop Current Interruption:
The TEL-14 can automatically
disconnect from the telephone line when it senses the interruption in loop
current that happens on most telephone lines shortly after the distant caller
disconnects. If necessary, this capability can be disabled. To enable automatic
disconnects resulting from an interruption in loop current, set option switch
S1-5 to ON. To disable automatic disconnects resulting from interruption in
loop current, set option switch S1-5 to OFF. The factory default setting is ON,
providing an automatic disconnect when the TEL-14 senses an interruption in
loop current.
Switch S1-6 Immediate Manual Disconnect:
The TEL-14 can immediately
disconnect a telephone call when the last station connected to it releases.
Sometimes it is useful to delay disconnecting the telephone line when a station
releases it. This allows the same or another station to pick up the line again and
avoid losing the caller. The TEL-14 can automatically delay manual disconnects
for 15 seconds. To enable immediate manual disconnects, set option switch S1-6
to ON. To delay manual disconnects, set option switch S1-6 to OFF. The factory
default setting is ON, providing an immediate manual disconnect.
Switch S1-7 Splash Tones:
Using "Splash Tones" the TEL-14 provides an
indication to the caller that the call has been answered and provides an
indication to the intercom that a caller is connecting. Depending upon
requirements, these tones may be disabled. To enable splash tones, set option
switch S1-7 to ON. To disable splash tones, set option switch S1-7 to OFF. The
factory default setting is ON, providing splash tones at the start of each call.
Switch S1-8 Guard Time:
In the first few seconds after the TEL-14 answers an
incoming call, the telephone system may produce momentary interruptions in
the current feeding the TEL-14. These interruptions may not occur in some
telephone systems. When set to the Normal position, a guard time of about 5
seconds is in effect to prevent these interruptions from prematurely
disconnecting the call. Depending upon how the TEL-14 is used, it may be
common to have very short telephone calls lasting less than 5 seconds. If the
Guard Time switch S1-8 is set to Normal, the TEL-14 will not be able to detect
the disconnect pulse at the end of these short calls. The Short setting of the
Guard Time switch changes the guard time to about 0.25 seconds. If very short
calls will be common and if the telephone system does not produce any
momentary interruptions at the start of a call, then the Guard Time switch S1-8
may be set to the Short setting. If the short setting is used and calls sometimes
prematurely disconnect within the first few seconds, then the Normal setting
must be used. The factory setting is Normal (ON).
Switch S5-1 & S5-2 Eclipse Identification:
This switch will identify the card to a
Matrix Plus II, Matrix Plus 3, or Eclipse Matrix System as a TEL-14. S5-1 and