Intercom-to-intercom mode – Clear-Com TEL-14 User Manual
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T E L - 1 4 T W O - C H A N N E L T E L E P H O N E I N T E R F A C E
2 - 1 3
The operator can also originate outside calls on the standard telephone, and
make them available to destinations within the matrix.
To set the TEL-14's controls for manual call screening mode:
1. The "auto disconnect" option switches (S1-2 through S1-5) can be set either
ON or OFF. This will determine whether the operator will be required to
manually hang up the line after each call by using the "hook" button. It is
recommended, however that the Loop Current Interruption option S1-5 be
left in the ON position to avoid instability or feedback during open switching
intervals on the telephone line at the end of a call.
2. Set the "immediate manual disconnect" option switch (S1-6) to OFF. This
will prevent callers from being accidentally disconnected if they are transferred
from one Matrix intercom station to another.
3. Set the "splash tones" option switch (S1-7) to OFF. This will prevent the
TEL-14 splash tones from sounding.
4. Set the remaining option switches to ON, the factory set position, or as
otherwise required.
Intercom-to-Intercom Mode
The TEL-14 may be used to connect two remotely located intercom systems
through a telephone line. To set up the connection, one TEL-14 must originate a
call to the other. Intercom station equipped with a keypad can originate the call
by using the station's "dial phone" mode. If the operator of a station not
equipped with a keypad must originate the call, either he or she must have a key
programmed to activate a DTMF sequence.
After the call is made, the distant TEL-14 goes off-hook and the incoming
telephone call becomes available to the telephone keys the TEL-14 port is preset
To set the TEL-14's controls for intercom-to-intercom mode:
1. The "auto disconnect" option switches (S1-2 through S1-5) should be at the
factory set ON position. This will allow the TEL-14 to disconnect when the
call ends.
2. Set the "immediate manual disconnect" option switch (S1-6) to OFF. (The
effect is described in the "Operation" section below.)
3. Set the "splash tones" option switch (S1-7) to OFF. This will prevent the
TEL-14 splash tones from sounding.
4. Set the "intercom echo cancel" (S6-2) and "telephone echo cancel" (S6-3)
option switches to OFF. This should be done to the TEL-14 on only one of
the intercoms.
5. Set the remaining option switches to ON, the factory set position, or as
otherwise required.
In this type of connection, there is a possibility the echo canceller DSPs in the
two TEL-14 cards will interfere with each other and cause instability. Note that
setting the "intercom echo cancellation" (S6-2) and "telephone echo
cancellation" (S6-3) option switches to OFF on one of the TEL-14 cards will
improve this condition but result in slightly more sidetone in that card.