Maintenance, Introduction, Troubleshooting – Clear-Com TEL-14 User Manual
Page 29

T E L - 1 4 T W O - C H A N N E L T E L E P H O N E I N T E R F A C E
3 - 1
This chapter provides a block diagram and a troubleshooting guide for the
TEL-14 two-channel auto-nulling telephone interface. To view the diagram refer
to the end of this chapter.
To help isolate any problems you may encounter, a list of possible symptoms and
possible solutions is provided. Note that the most common option switch setting
is with all switches in the ON position. This is also the factory default setting.
1. No front panel LEDs are lit.
• Press the Auto Gain or Auto Answer buttons.
• Check that the card is properly seated in the interface frame. Remove and
reseat it.
• Check that the power cable from the interface frame is securely connected.
• Check mains AC power to the matrix.
2. The TEL-14 will not answer the telephone line. The red Ring/Off Hook
LED does not light when the line is called.
• Check that the telephone line is connected to the TEL-14. As a test, unplug
the modular cable from the RJ-11 to DB-9F adaptor and plug it into a
standard telephone set. Make sure the telephone set can make calls and rings
when a call is received on this line. Plug the modular cable back into the RJ-11
to DB-9F adaptor.
• Set the Ring Jumper J6 to the 60V position if the ring voltage is low.
3. The TEL-14 will not automatically answer the telephone line. The red
Ring/Off Hook LED lights when the line is called.
• Press the Auto Answer button. Make sure the green Auto Answer LED is lit to
allow calls to automatically be answered.
• Make sure the Auto Answer Ring Count option switch S1-1 is set to the ON
position to answer after the first ring. (This switch should be set to the OFF
position to answer after the fourth ring.)