Party line dial-in mode, Configuration – Clear-Com TEL-14 User Manual

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T E L - 1 4 T W O - C H A N N E L T E L E P H O N E I N T E R F A C E

2 - 1 4


Two TEL-14 lines may be programmed into the same party line. The TEL-14s
should be set to "auto answer" and "auto disconnect" to allow people to use
telephones or cellular phones to connect to and leave the party line at will. The
callers may communicate with each other, as well as anyone on the party line.

To set the TEL-14's controls for party line dial-in mode:

1. The “auto disconnect” option switches (S1-2 through S1-5) should be at the

factory set ON position. This will allow the TEL-14 to disconnect when the
call ends.

2. Set the “Receive Suppression Disable” option switch (S6-1) to OFF.
3. If using revision 11 Matrix Plus 3 intercom software, set the "Matrix Control"

option switch (S6-5) to OFF. This will prevent intercom users from
disconnecting people who may be speaking from telephone line to telephone

4. Set the remaining option switches to ON, the factory set position, or as

otherwise required.

In this type of connection, there is a possibility that excess telephone line noise
may interfere with communication on the intercom party line, or that poor
telephone connections could cause instability in the two TEL-14 cards. For this
reason it is recommended to turn OFF the “receive suppression disable” option
switch S6-1 on each TEL-14 line programmed into the party line. This will allow
the TEL-14 to automatically quiet the telephone line when there is no incoming


Refer to the Eclipse Configuration System Manual for more information on
configuring the TEL-14 telephone interface.