Cashco 988-MB User Manual
Page 12

19. Remove body (1) from vise. Solvent clean all loose
parts with suitable solvent. Determine parts to
be re placed due to wear and/or corrosion. Clean
seat ring (11), cage (10), and seat re tain er (23) as
re quired.
20. Place body (1) back into vise with body/bonnet
fl ange up.
21. Place a new seat ring gasket (13) into position.
22. Note correct orientation of seat ring (11) and place
inside the body (1).
23. For a composition/soft seat design, position a new
soft seat insert (24) and the seat retainer (23) into
position on top of seat ring (11).
24. Place a new bonnet gasket (12) on the body’s (1)
bon net fl ange face.
25. With the cage (10) oriented correctly on the plug/
stem assembly (3), set stem’s plug head down into
the seat ring (11). Keep fi rm hold of the stem with
one hand; use other hand to push cage down into
proper alignment.
26. Lift bonnet (2) over threaded end of plug/stem
(3) and care ful ly lower bonnet down over stem,
en sur ing that the crit i cal fi nish zone of the bonnet’s
stuffi ng box is not scratched by the stem’s threads.
Align body (1)-to-bonnet (2) fl anges to matchmarks
as bonnet comes down over bon net studs (16).
Carefully release plug/stem only when bonnet is
completely resting on the body.
27. Install bonnet nuts (17) onto bonnet studs (16) and
fi n ger-tighten.
28A. For Opt-38J –
a. Make reference to Figs. 3 and 10 for proper
packing orientation.
b. Place packing spacer (9) over end of plug/
stem (3) and care ful ly lower into stuffi ng box.
c. Carefully place lower adapter (6.3) of new
packing ring set (6) over plug/stem’s end,
properly ori ent ed. Us ing the packing fol low er
(5), push the lower adapt er into the bon net’s
(2) stuffi ng box.
d. Carefully place a packing ring (6.2) properly
ori ent ed over the plug/stem’s end and push
into the stuffi ng box similar to the adapter (6.3).
Repeat for each of the four rings (6.2).
e. Carefully place upper adapter (6.1) similar to
low er adapt er (6.3).
28B. For Opt-34 –
a. Make reference to Figs. 3 and 7, 8 or 9 for
proper pack ing ori en ta tion. (Opt-34A, Opt-34B
or Opt-34C).
b. Carefully install correct adapter of lower
pack ing ring set (6) over plug/stem’s (3) end,
prop er ly ori ent ed. Using the lan tern ring (27)
and pack ing fol low er (5), push the adapter into
the bon net’s (2) stuffi ng box.
c. Carefully place a packing ring properly ori-
ent ed over the plug/stem’s end and push into
the stuffi ng box sim i lar to the adapt er in previ-
ous step. Repeat for each of the four rings.
d. Carefully install correct adapter of packing ring
set over plug/stem’s end, properly oriented
and push into the stuffi ng box as per previ-
ous step. Leave lantern ring (27) in position
in stuffi ng box.
e. Carefully install correct adapter of secondary
pack ing ring set (47) over plug/stem’s end,
prop er ly ori ent ed. Using the pack ing follower
(5), push the adapter into the bonnet’s (2)
stuffi ng box.
f. Carefully place a packing ring, properly ori-
ent ed, over plug/stem’s end and push into the
stuffi ng box similar to Step e. previous. Re peat
for each of the three rings.
g. Carefully install correct adapter of packing ring
set over plug/stem’s end, properly ori ent ed,
and push into the stuffi ng box similar to Step
f. previous.
29. Place packing follower (5) with new wiper ring (22)
and new follower bushing (26) tape over the end
of the plug/stem (3).
30. Place
fl ange (4) over end of plug/stem (3)
and over pack ing studs (14).
31. Install packing stud nuts (15), fi nger-tight, down to
the pack ing fl ange (4).
32. Tighten packing nuts (15) evenly in 1/2 rev o lu tion
in cre ments, until the shoulder of the packing fol-
low er (5) is resting evenly on the upper edge of
the bonnet (2) at the stuffi ng box. Snug both nuts
33. Reinstall the two stem jam nuts (52) onto the stem
(3) and rotate as far down the stem as possible.
34. Push valve stem (3) down into the seat ring (11).
Wig gle the loose assembly to ensure initial align-
ment/stack ing.
35. Tighten bonnet bolting (16, 17) in an al ter nat ing
cross-pat tern in 1/4 revolution increments to the
following torque lev els:
36. Reinstall the (AA) as recorded in Sub-Section V.C.
37. Position suitable end closures – plugs, blind fl ang-
es, etc., – and leak test with 100 psig air pressure
min i mum. No packing (6) adjustment should be
re quired to get a tight seal.
38. Recalibrate per Section VI.
3/4”, 1”, 1-1/2”
70-75 ft-lbs (95-102 N-M)
50-55 ft-lbs (68-75 N-M)