Caution – Cashco 988-MB User Manual

Page 10

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f. Wrench-tighten the packing stud nuts (15)

evenly and in 1/2 rev o lu tion increments until
the “up per groove on the packing fol low er (5),
iden ti fi ed as “Line A” (Fig. 4), is fl ush with the
top edge of the bonnet’s (2) stuffi ng box.

g. Remove the packing nuts (15), lower retainers

(39) and pack ing follower (5).

h. Carefully place the upper braided ring (6.4)

over the plug/stem’s (3) end and push into the
stuffi ng box similar to the lower braided ring
(6.4). Leave the packing follower in position,
prop er ly oriented.

i. Place lower retainers (39) over each of the

pack ing studs (14). Install packing stud nuts
(15) and fi nger-tighten.

j. Repeat Step f. with the exception that the

pack ing set (6) is to be compressed into the
stuffi ng box until the “lower groove” identifi ed
as “Line B” on the packing follower (5) is fl ush
with top edge of the bon net’s (2) stuffi ng box.

k. Remove the packing nuts (15). Leave the fol-

low er (5) and lower retainers in place.

l. Orient spring washer (41) stacks per Figure

5. Low er stacks over studs and onto ledge of
lower retainers (39).

m. Place spacer rings (40) over studs and onto

ledge of lower retainers (39).

n. Place upper retainers (39) over pack ing studs

(14), and onto the ledge of the spac er rings
(40). Ensure the up per retainers (39) are prop-
er ly po si tioned around its cir cum fer ence and
that the in ver sion is correct for HTE-Hi versus
HTE-Lo options.

o. Install packing stud nuts (15), fi nger-tight, down

to the upper re tain ers (39).

p. Manually stroke the plug/stem (3) a minimum

of fi f ty full strokes.

q. Ensure that packing stud nuts (15) are drawn

down such that the upper retainers (39) are
level with top of spac er rings (40). Wrench-
tighten pack ing stud nuts in 1/2 revolution
increments. Con tin ue to tighten nuts until the
spacer rings can no longer be man u al ly rotated
by use of fi n gers; add 1/2 revolution of ad di-
tion al draw-down to each nut to properly load
the pack ing (6).

33. Reinstall the two stem jam nuts (52) onto the plug/

stem (3) and rotate as far down the as possible.

34. Push valve stem (3) down into the seat ring (11).

Wig gle the loose assembly to ensure initial align-
ment/stack ing.

35. Tighten bonnet bolting (16, 17) in an alternating

cross-pat tern in 1/4 revolution increments to the
following torque lev els:

37. Position suitable end closures – plugs, blind fl ang-

es, etc., – and leak test with 100 psig air pressure
min i mum. No packing (6) adjustment should be
re quired to get a tight seal.

38. Recalibrate per Section VI.

F. Trim and Packing Removal and Replacement for

Units with Jammed Packing; Opt-38J, Opt-34A, Opt-
34B, Opt-34C:
(See pg. 11 & 19 for Item # identifi cation.)

1. Remove (AA) as described in Sub-Sec tion V.B.

Leave (BA) in vise with plug/stem (3) upwards.

2. Continue to loosen stem packing (6, 47) by rotat-

ing pack ing stud nuts (15) CCW to just short of
disengagement from packing studs (14).

3. Remove all bonnet stud nuts (17).

4. Lift bonnet (2), plug/stem assembly (3), cage (10)

and all packing zone parts up and out of the body
- grasp stem (3) to prevent from falling. Lay these
parts horizontally on a workbench. NOTE: Seat ring
(11) (and seat retainer (23) and soft seat insert (24)
for com po si tion/soft seated de signs) may also pull
out with the above parts assembly.

5. Remove both stem nuts (52).

6. Withdraw plug/stem assembly (3) from within the

bon net (2) and packing (6, 47). Holding cage (10)
to pre vent from dropping. Set parts (3, 10) aside.

7. Place bonnet (2) into a second vise with the pack ing

zone on top. Remove the two packing nuts (15).

8. Remove


fl ange (4), packing follower (5),

wiper ring (22) and TFE bias tape follower bush ing



3/4”, 1”, 1-1/2”

70-75 ft-lbs 95-102 N-M)


50-55 ft-lbs (68-75 N-M)

36. Reinstall the actuator assembly (AA) as recorded

in Sub-Section V.C.


Using a sharp, hooked-end, pick-type tool, hook
and pull the packing rings (47) up and out of the
bonnet’s (2) stuffi ng box individually. Examine for
proper orientation (see Figures 7, 8, 9 and 10).

10. Remove bonnet (2) from vise and invert to allow

lantern ring (27) or packing spacer (9) to slide out
of the bonnet’s stuffi ng box.

For Opt-34 –

a. Invert bonnet (2) again and place back in vise

with pack ing zone on top.


Take extreme care to not mar internal wall surface of the
bonnet (2).


Take extreme care to not mar internal wall surface of the
bonnet (2).

This manual is related to the following products: