Cashco HP User Manual

Page 4

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E. Special Instructions for Diaphragm Re place ment:

1. For the Option -1+6 Differential Con struc tion, re as -

sem ble the diaphragm sub as sem bly in Sub-Sec tion
B. Step 9.

2. For metal diaphragm(s) (12) only, install a second

diaphragm gasket (13) on the top side of the di a-
phragm (4). NOTE: Clean the di a phragm fl ange
area of the spring chamber (2) thor ough ly be fore

3. Utilize a new lock nut seal (22) when installing the

adjusting screw (13) and lock nut (14).

4. Install new closing cap gasket (21), re in stall clos ing

cap (20).

D. Trim Replacement (For Composition Seated Units):

Follow the same steps as listed under “Trim Re place -
ment for Metal Seated Units”, except for the following

1. When inspecting parts for excessive wear (C.3)

ensure there are no foreign particles embedded in
the TFE seat. Inspect for nicks. Inspect the backup
ring (27) and quad ring (26) on piston post.


After removing the body cap (5) (C.4), inspect the
inside surface of the body cap for scratch es or
nicks. These could result in leak age past the quad
ring (26) and backup ring (27). If worn or scratched
replace the body cap (5).

3. Remove the body cap O-ring (25) and clean con-

tacting surface of body (1).

C. Trim Replacement (For Metal Seated Units):

1. Install body (1) in a vise with the body cap (5) on

top and the body (1) fl ange downwards.


Loosen body cap (5) with a hex head wrench with
a lever length of at least 15 inches (381 mm). The
wrench should be rapped with a hammer to loos en.
Re move body cap (5).

3. Remove piston spring (17), and piston (15.1) and

cylinder (15.2). Inspect parts for ex ces sive wear,
espe cially at seat sur fac es. Re place if worn, nicked
or depressed.

4. Clean

fl at mating surfaces of body (1) to body

cap (5) shoulder. Be careful not to scratch either

5. Clean debris from within the regulator body (1)

cav i ty. Clean parts to be reused. NOTE: On
regulators orig i nal ly supplied as "oxygen clean",
Options-55, maintenance must in clude a lev el of
clean li ness equal to Cashco's clean ing stan dard
#S-1134. Contact factory for details.

6. Reinstall a new cylinder gasket (18). Press fi rmly

and evenly into place using the cylinder (15.2). Re-
move the cylinder (15.2) and in spect the pressed
in cylinder gasket (18). Do not use a “homemade”
cylinder gasket. Pipe sealant may be lightly coated
to the gasket sur fac es prior to installation, except
when uti liz ing Option-55.

7. Reinstall the cylinder (15.2), observing that when

fi nally setting, the cylinder (15.2) ap pears to be
concentrically located within the body cap (5)

8. Slide the piston (15.1) slowly into place, en sur ing

that the piston (15.1) post slides into the female
groove of the pusher plate (11).


Place piston spring (17) into the cavity of the piston

10. Use pipe thread sealant applied to the body cap (5)

threads. Screw body cap (5) into body (1). When
body cap (5) is fully down against body (1) at the
body cap shoulder, use the wrench with 15" (381
mm) lever handle and a hammer to im pact the body
cap (5) into the body (1).

11. Bench test for suitable operation. NOTE: Regula-

tors are not tight shutoff devices. Even if pressure
builds up beyond setpoint, a reg u la tor may or may
not develop bubble tight shutoff. In general, tighter
shutoff can be expected with a composition seat.

12. Soap solution test around body cap (5) and body

(1) for leakage. Test pressure should be a minimum
of 100 psig (6.9 Barg) at the inlet.


When pis ton (15) assemblies are used with com-
po si tion seats, Cashco, Inc. does not recom mend
at tempt ing to remove the com po si tion seat, as it is
retained by the pis ton's post being force pressed
into the lower cyl in der section, and the outer (OD)
edge of the com po si tion seat is retained by the
piston's thinned wall being forcefully crimped into
the com po si tion seat ma te ri al (bent over and into). If
com po si tion seat is damaged, re place entire piston
as sem bly.


Option-1+6 contains single di a phragm con struc -
tion. In the event of diaphragm fail ure, the process
fl u id will mix with the load ing fl uid. Please alert
your rep re sen ta tive so an al ter na tive product can
be se lect ed.