Cashco HP User Manual

Page 3

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2. Relax range spring (14) by turning adjusting screw

(6) CCW until removed from spring cham ber (2).

3. Draw or embed a match mark between body

casting (1) and spring chamber casting (2) along
fl anged area.

4. Remove



fl ange nuts (9) and bolts

(8, 23).

5. Remove spring chamber (2), range spring (14),

spring button (4), pressure plate (3), diaphragm(s)
(12), and di a phragm gas ket (13), for metal dia-
phragm (no diaphragm gas ket (13) for composition
diaphragm). NOTE: For units with spring ranges
120-225 psig (8.27 - 15.5 Barg) and higher, also
remove the thrust bearing (21) and bearing washer

6. Remove pusher plate (11) and inspect for a fi t

which limits its travel to a vertical direction. Wear
will show as excessive wobble in push er plate (11).

NOTE: Never replace bolting (8 & 9) (23) with just
any bolting if lost. Bolt heads and nuts are marked
with specifi cation identifi cation mark ings. Use only
proper grades as re place ments.

12. Reinstall ad

just ing screw (6) with locknut (7).

13. Pressurize with air and soap so lu tion test around

bolting (8 & 9) (23), body (1) and spring cham ber
(2) for leakage. Ensure that an outlet pressure is
maintained during this leak test of at least mid-
range spring level; i.e. 120-255 psig (8.27-15.5
Barg) range spring, 173 psig (11.9 Barg) test
pres sure minimum.

If apparent, recommend trim re mov al and inspec-
tion; go to Sub-sec tion C or D following. Reinstall
pusher plate (11).

7. Inspect pressure plate (3) to ensure no de for ma tion

due to over-pressurization. If de formed, replace.

8. Clean body (1) and diaphragm fl ange. NOTE: On

reg u la tors originally sup plied as “oxygen clean”,
Option-55, main te nance must include a level of
clean li ness equal to Cashco's clean ing stan dard
#S-1134. Con tact factory for details.

9. Place diaphragm gasket (13) on body (1) fl ange.

Position diaphragm(s) (12) into place. NOTE: Re-
fer to the quantity of diaphragms (12) incorporated
in the bill of materials list ing. Depending on the
outlet pressure lev el; mul ti ple metal diaphragms
may be “stacked”.
Visually center pressure plate
(3) on diaphragm(s) (12), and set range spring (14)
onto retainer hub of pressure plate (3).

10. Place multi-purpose, high temperature grease

into depression of spring button (4) where adjust-
ing screw bears. Set spring but ton (4) onto range
spring (14); ensure spring button is laying fl at.
NOTE: For units with range springs 120-225 psig
(8.27-15.5 Barg) and higher, position spring button
(4), thrust bearing (21) and bearing washer (22) on
top of range spring (14).

11. Aligning matchmarks, place spring chamber (2)

over the above stacked parts. Install all bolts (8),
(23) and nuts (9) by hand tightening. Mechani-
cally tightening bolting in a cross pattern that al-
lows spring chamber (2) to be pulled down evenly.
Recommended torque values are as follows:

A. General:

1. Maintenance procedures hereinafter are based

upon re mov al of the regulator unit from the pipe-
line where in stalled.

2. Owner should refer to owner's procedures for

removal, handling, cleaning and disposal of non-
reusable parts, i.e. gaskets, etc.

3. Refer to Figure 1 for the basic regulator and Figure

2 for a blowup of the balanced trim.

B. Diaphragm Replacement:

1. Securely install the body (1) in a vise with the spring

chamber (2) directed upwards.


SYSTEM UN DER PRES SURE. Prior to performing
any maintenance, isolate the reg u la tor from the
system and relieve all pres sure. Failure to do so
could result in personal injury.


diaphragm fl ange bolts, relieve spring com pres sion
by back ing out the adjusting screw. Fail ure to so
so may result in fl ying parts that could cause per-
sonal injury.

Regulator Size

Bolt Size

Metal Diaph.

Comp. Diaph.

1/2", 3/4" & 1"

(DN15, 20 & 25)


30 Ft-lbs

25 Ft-lbs

1-1/2" (DN40)


50 Ft-lbs

30 Ft-lbs