Cashco 31-N User Manual

Page 5

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10. While holding upper diaphragm plate (13)

by palm of hand, hand-pull diaphragm (12)
away from upper di a phragm plate (13).
NOTE: The diaphragm (12) is adhered to the
upper di a phragm plate (13) with adhesive.

Rotate and repeat until the diaphragm (12)
is fully re moved. Discard used diaphragm
(12). Re move remaining ad he sive from
upper di a phragm plate (13).

11. Examine upper plate (13) for bending or

distortion. Re place if deformation is present.

12. Spread a thin layer of compatible ad-

hesive (DuPont 732 or equal) onto the
cleaned upper pressure plate (13), stay-
ing away from the edges approximately
1/2" (12 mm). Place a new di a phragm (12)
down onto a fl at surface with the di a phragm’s
(12) fl ange edges up, forming a “bowl”
with a hole in the center. Carefully lift the
upper diaphragm plate (13), invert 180°,
and lower into the diaphragm (12) “bowl”
with the ad he sive meeting the diaphragm
(12); align the upper diaphragm plate (13)
as concentrically as able. Carefully lift the
adhered parts (12)(13) and invert 180°.
Align the diaphragm (12) hole and upper
diaphragm plate (13) hole con cen tri cal ly.
Work out any “bubbles” formed be tween the
diaphragm (12) and the upper di a phragm
plate (13) using a fl at tool as nec es sary.
Once aligned, set adhered parts (12)(13)
back down to allow adhesive approximately
30 minutes setting/drying time.

13. Place the adhered diaphragm (12) and the

upper diaphragm plate (13) back onto the
lower diaphragm plate (20) still resting in
the vise. Position/align the diaphragm (12)
with respect to the lower diaphragm plate
(20) as indicated in Figure 3; failure to align
properly may cause poor unit performance.

14. Set nylon bushing (15) into hole in the top

of the upper diaphragm plate (13). Place
washer (16) on top of nylon bush ing (15).

15. Insert stop post (19) thru the center opening

of stacked parts (16, 15, 13, 12) and engage
threaded end of stop post (19) into lower
diaphragm plate (20). Carefully tighten stop
post (19) to ensure concentricity of stacked
parts (16, 15, 13, 12). Tighten stop post
(19) to 18–20 in-# (2.0–2.3 N-M) torque.
This com pletes di a phragm sub-as sem bly
(DSA); re move from vise.

Figure 3

16. Position the diaphragm sub-assembly

(DSA) to wards the rightwards of center of
the lower case (3) with the opening of the
lower di a phragm plate (20) oriented per-
pen dic u lar to the linkage lever (21). Insert
the linkage lever (21) thru the opening of
the lower diaphragm plate (20). Align the
bolt holes of diaphragm (12) with the bolt
holes of the lower case (3).

17. Place range spring (17) over stop post

(19), and align properly by setting spring
(17) over washer (16) and nylon bushing
(15) so that the spring (17) rests on upper
diaphragm plate (13).

18. Clean threads of spring chamber (4) “bar-

rel” thor ough ly using suitable solvent.

19. Set spring chamber (4) onto lower case (3)

align ing matchmarks of Step 3 previous.

20. Insert screws (9) into fl ange bolt holes.

En gage nuts (10). Align and push nuts
(10) up against the un der neath side of
the lower case (3) fl ange, ensuring that
the “tips” of the nuts are not improperly
positioned due to the small “lugs” on the
lower case fl ange. Hand-tighten all screws
(9) and nuts (10).