Burkert Type 8056 User Manual

Page 27

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(POS. 3.5) Automatic scale change enable


Enables/disables the automatic scale change. The meter may have two different working ranges in
order to suit variable process conditions. In order to get the best results out of this function it is
important that range N.2 is greater than N.1. When the flow rate increases and reaches the 100%
of the scale N.1, the meter automatically switches to scale N.2. When the flow rate subsequently
decreases to an equivalent value on scale N.2 (equal to the 90% of full scale N.1), scale N.1 will
assume the active scale. Allowed values for this parameter: ON/OFF.
Note: the autorange does not allow using the manual change of range (pos. 5.8)


(POS. 4.4) Current output value in failure case

[mA v.fault =% XXX]

Setting of the value of the 4-20mA current output in one or more of the following cases; empty
pipe, ADC error, and coils interrupted.
The permitted range is from 0% to 120% of the 0-20mA scales, 120% corresponds to 24mA and
does not depend on the selected range (0-20/4-20mA).
The NAMUR NE43 recommendations requires alarms signaling value for a current output lower than
3.6 mA (<18%) or greater than 21mA (>105%). It is preferable to set the value of this function at
10%, so that the current value in cases of a.m. would be 2mA, allowing the following diagnostics:
‰ current < 2mA - 5%: line interrupted, power supply failure or faulty transmitter;

‰ 2mA -5% ≤ current ≤ 2mA + 5%: hardware alarm;

‰ 4mA ≤ current ≤ 20mA: normal working range;

‰ 20mA < current ≤ 22mA: out of range, measure above 100% full scale (f.s.).
(POS. 4.5) Frequency output value in failure case

[Hz v.fault=% XXX]

To set the frequency value assigned to the on/off output in one or more of the following cases:
Empty pipe; coils interrupted; ADC error
Allowable range from 0% to 125% of the frequency full scale value.
Although there are no specific rules regulating cases such as these, it would be convenient to use
the failure information as follows:
‰ 0% Hz ≤ frequency ≤ 100% f.s.: normal working range;

‰ 100% f.s. < frequency ≤ 110% f.s.: overflow, measure above the 100% of the f.s.;

‰ 115% f.s. ≤ frequency ≤ 125% f.s.: hardware alarm condition.


(POS. 5.1-2-3-4) Enable reset partial/total totalizers

[T+-/P+- reset= ON/OFF]

When one of this function is enabled, the related totalizer may be reset through the on/off input.
(POS. 5.6) “Block measures” command block measures enable [Meas. lock=ON/OFF]
When this function is active (ON), applying a voltage on the on input terminals, the measurement is
stopped, the meter will display zero flow.
(POS. 5.7) Autozero calibration external command enable


This function enables/disables the automatic zero calibration system. When this function is active,
applying a voltage on the meter’s on/off input terminals performs an autozero calibration cycle.
ATTENTION: if the voltage pulse is less 1 sec., the meter performs an Auto calibration cycle to
compensate possible thermal drifts. If the voltage pulse is more 1 sec, the meter performs an
Autozero measure calibration.

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