Functions menu – Burkert Type 8056 User Manual

Page 21

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1.1 Nominal Diameter (ND) of sensor, (enter input value 0-3000 mm)
1.2 Sensor calibration data (Enter value as specified on sensor label)
1.3 Type of sensor: Enter the first two characters of the sensor serial number

1.4 Position of insertion sensor: 0=1/8DN, 1=1/2DN, 2=7/8DN

1.5 Factory parameters automatically calculated (ONLY for insertion sensors)

1.10 Enables the empty pipe detection feature

1.12*Value of empty pipe sensibility detection
1.13* Enables the automatic procedure of zero calibration

1.6 Length of the cable connecting the sensor to the transmitter

1.11*Electrodes cleaning

1.7 Sample rate
1.8 (only for service purpose)
1.9 (only for service purpose)

2.1* Full scale value set for range N.1

2.2* Full scale value set for range N.2
2.3* Unit of measure and number of decimal place
2.4* Pulse value on channel 1
2.5* Pulse value on channel 2

2.7* Duration of the pulse generated on channel 2
2.8 Full scale frequency for channel 1 (0.1Hz-1000.0Hz)
2.9 Full scale frequency for channel 2 (0.1Hz-1000.0Hz)

2.6* Duration of the pulse generated on channel 1

2.10 Volume to mass specific gravity coefficient set in kg/dm³

4.1 Maximum flow rate value alarm setting
4.2 Minimum flow rate value alarm setting
4.3 Hysteresis threshold setting for the minimum and maximum flow rate alarms

4.4* Current output value in case of failure

4.5* Frequency output value in case of failure


The main menu is selected from the Quick start menu by pressing the key) and entering the factory
code (11111).

Functions denoted in grey are displayed only with other active functions, or with optional


(for functions details with the symbol “*” refer to the next section).

Not all the functions

displayed on the transmitter are shown below are reserved for serving purposes only and not

3.2 Low flow zero threshold: 0-25% of full scale value

3.4* Automatic change of scale

3.3 Enable automatic hourly internal calibration cycle. Measurement stopped for 8-15s.

3.1* Measure filter

This manual is related to the following products: