Burkert Type 5406 User Manual
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3. auThOrizeD use
Non-intended use of the safety shut-off device Type
5406 may be a hazard to people, nearby equipment
and the environment.
• The device, which controls the supply of heating oil to a
burner, was specifically designed for furnaces.
• Use according to the authorized data, operating and
service conditions specified in the contract documents
and operating instructions. These are described in the
chapter on
„Technical Data“.
• Bürkert valves must not be used in combination with
valves from other manufacturers.
• Correct transportation, storage and installation, and
careful use and maintenance are essential for reliable
and faultless operation.
• The valve 5406 may be used exclusively in the flow of
a firing plant.
3.1. restrictions
If exporting the system/device, observe any existing
3.2. predictable misuse
• Do not put any loads on the housing (e.g. by placing objects
on it or standing on it).
• Do not make any external modifications to the device
housings. Do not paint the housing parts or screws.
• The safety shut-off device is designed for heating oils DIN
51603 Part 1-6 with viscosity 1.6 - 76 cST. The use of
other media is not permitted without a prior agreement with
the Bürkert sales office.
4. basic safeTy
These safety instructions do not make allowance for any
• contingencies and events which may arise during the
installation, operation and maintenance of the devices.
• local safety regulations – the operator is responsible for
observing these regulations, also with reference to the
installation personnel.
Danger – high pressure!
• Before loosening the lines and valves, turn off the pres-
sure and vent the lines.
Risk of electric shock!
• Before reaching into the system, switch off the power
supply and secure to prevent reactivation.
• Observe applicable accident prevention and safety
regulations for electrical equipment!
Risk of burns due to hot surface of the device!
• Do not touch the device with bare hands.
Risk of injury due to malfunction of valves with alter-
nating current (AC).
Sticking core causes coil to overheat, resulting in a
• Monitor process to ensure function is in perfect work-
ing order!
Risk of injury due to impaired function after external
• After an external fire, check the equipment and safety
shut-off device.
• If there is visible damage, replace safety shut-off device!
Risk of short-circuit/escape of media through leaking
screw joints.
• Ensure seals are seated correctly!
• Carefully screw together coil and device socket or valve
and connection plate!
Type 5406