C.E. Niehoff & Co. N1235: N7074 ADE Housing Replacement Instructions User Manual
N7074 ade housing assembly, C. e. niehoff & co, Replacement instructions

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ADE Housing Assembly
for N1235 Alternators
Replacement Instructions
C. E. Niehoff & Co.
Figure 1 – Interior of Control Unit
Anti-Drive End:
1. Remove ADE front cover plate, nut, washer.
2. The outer ring carrier and attached spiral ring
should remain inside the housing until the housing
is removed.
3. Remove silicone "plug" sealing the entrance on the
outside of the housing where the two field coil
leads enter the housing.
4. Remove the top cover plate on the ADE housing.
5. Carefully dig out the potting material inside the
control unit cavity with a blunt tool to not damage
the internal electrical components. The potting
should come loose in chunks. See Figure 1.
Remove enough potting to expose the terminal
block, the top two wires (field coil wires), and tube.
There will be another silicone "plug" sealing the
entrance of the plastic tube. The "plug" should be
6. Remove the two screws holding the red F+ and the
brown F- field coil leads to the terminal strip.
7. Carefully lift the field coil leads out of the potting.
Clean the field coil leads and terminals as much as
possible without damaging them. Then gently pull
them out of the tube from the outside entrance on
the front of the housing. See Figure 2. Ensure that
the leads are not damaged when pulling the forked
terminals through the tube.
8. Remove the phase leads from the diode studs on
the face of the ADE housing. Label each stud for
reattachment of phase leads.
9. Scribe marks at the joint of the ADE housing and
shell for reassembly.
10. Remove nuts from housing and separate the ADE
housing from the shell. Remove ADE bearing from
shaft and discard bearing.
11. Remove outer ring carrier located in front of the
bearing in the ADE housing from the inside out. If
carrier is stuck and spiral ring is lodged inside
bore, force the ring carrier out of the bore and save
ring carrier and spiral ring.
Brown F– field coil lead is
attached to the middle terminal
on terminal strip
Red F+ field coil lead is
attached to the terminal
on the left of the brown
lead on terminal strip
Do not cut field coil leads.
Reattachment will be rendered
impossible with shorter lengths
of leads.
Figure 2 – Field Coil Leads Removed
from Control Unit