C.E. Niehoff & Co. A9-4056 Temperature Sensor Replacement User Manual
C.E. Niehoff & Co. Hardware

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Temperature Sensor
Replacement Instructions
1. Make sure master battery switch has been
turned off on vehicle.
2. Disconnect temperature-voltage sense harness
at both B+ and B− terminals at battery.
3. From black wire on existing harness, cut off
first six inches on B− terminal end, which
includes the sensor.
4. Strip 1/4” from the shortened black wire on the
harness. Crimp one end of insulated butt
splice on shortened wire.
5. Crimp end of new sensor/wire assembly on
other end of butt splice.
6. Use heat gun to seal spliced ends.
7. Re-attach new black wire in harness to battery
negative post and existing red wire to 14V
battery positive post for 14 V systems or 28 V
battery positive post for 28 V systems.
2. Reconnect master battery switch and test
charging system for proper function.
Figure 1 - Temperature Sensor Replacement Details
This sensor/wire assembly is used to
replace the temperature sensor black
wire (B
− terminal) when necessary on
various CEN temperature-voltage sense
wiring harnesses (with or without other
external connections such as J1939
connections). For more information,
see CEN Service Bulletin SB27.
A9-4056 Temperature sensor
replacement assembly (black wire)
Butt splice
If you have questions about your alternator or any of these instructions, or if you need to locate a Factory Authorized Service Dealer, please contact us at:
C. E. Niehoff & Co.• 2021 Lee Street • Evanston, IL 60202 USA
TEL: 800.643.4633 USA and Canada • TEL: 847.866.6030 outside USA and Canada • FAX: 847.492.1242
E-mail us at [email protected]