Typical devices used with adl3 – MoTeC ADL3 EDL3 User Manual
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4 Introduction
Typical Devices Used With ADL3
The ADL3 can be connected to most MoTeC ECUs and some other
manufacturers' models either via CAN or RS232. This avoids duplication of
sensors and allows the ADL3 to display and log many ECU parameters.
The typical update rate is about 20 times per second for RS232 and 50 times
per second for CAN.
The ADL3 inputs can be connected to a wide variety of sensors. Different
types of sensors are available to suit different types of measurements, for
example: temperature, pressure, movement etc.
Sensors convert a physical measurement (e.g. pressure) into an electrical
signal (e.g. volts).
Different types of sensors generate different types of electrical signals. For
example most temperature sensors convert the temperature into a variable
resistance which may be measured by an Analogue Temperature input,
however most wheel speed sensors generate a variable frequency signal
which must be connected to either a Digital input or a Speed input.
The VIM is a compact and versatile input expander module with 24
analogue inputs of various types including high speed, high resolution and
differential types. The VIM also has two digital inputs with programmable
trigger levels.
Several VIMs may be connected to the ADL3 providing more than 300
sensor inputs. The VIM supports many different types of sensors including
unamplified thermocouples and strain gauges.
The ADL3 supports two E888 or E816 Expanders allowing expansion of
the number of inputs and outputs.
The E888 has 8 x 10 bit thermocouple inputs, 8 x 10 bit voltage inputs, 4
digital inputs, 2 switch inputs and 8 outputs.
The E816 has 16 x 10 bit voltage inputs, 4 digital inputs, 2 switch inputs
and 8 outputs.
Note: The E888 / E816 inputs have lower resolution than the VIM inputs
and have slower update rates.