DE-STA-CO PN500 User Manual
Page 38
SECTION 8: Repair and Replace (continued)
NOTE: Worm must be dropped before attempting to remove the gear. Gear Remove the worm as described above. Record the distance from the finished face of the
housing to the unmarked face of the gear (see
Figure 19). Remove screw and washer retaining gear,
if applicable. Loosen the screw clamp on the split hub side of
the gear. Remove the gear. Tapped holes in the end of the
gear hub may be utilized in conjunction with a puller.
Component Replacement
NOTE: If both worm and gear were removed from the housing,
the gear must be replaced before the worm shaft is installed. The correct relationship of the worm and gear must
be maintained when reassembling the
components. Regardless of the actual position of
the reducer unit on the roller gear drive or
Intermittor housing, you must imagine that the
worm is over the gear and that you are viewing the
worm from the single extension end (the end
opposite of the splines on the worm shaft) with the
unmarked face of the gear to your right. Maintain
this relationship between components when
installing the gear on the roller gear camshaft.