DE-STA-CO 300IOC User Manual
Camco ioc automatic overload clutch

NOTE: Camco does not Preset Input Overload
clutches at the factory. Input Overload Clutches can
only be properly set under fully loaded, field conditions.
(The numbers on the clutch face do not indicate any
torque valve, they are for reference only.)
The following instructions assume that the input
overload clutch is assembled on the cam shaft and the
overload limit switch is properly positioned. (If these
starting conditions do not exist, Please contact the
Factory.) Please refer to figures 1A and 1B when
Field Installation and Setting
Remove the Shut-off Spool #12. (Press fit if
necessary) Loosen Conepoint Set Screw #10.
(There are 1 or 2 possible tapped holes, but
use only one set screw. Explanation later.)
Reset limit switch.
When the match marks do not move under
power for one index, continue to run Indexer
for 5 to 7 indexes and stop in dwell. Repeat
the 5 to 7 index cycle 2 more times. If the
match marks have not moved, tighten Set
Screw #10. (The cone Point set screw must
enter the grove between the threaded areas.)
Now power indexer again and apply E stop in
mid-motion. The match marks should now
displace form 1/8” to 2”, depending on the
size of the IOC. This step is necessary to
verify that the clutch has not been set too
tightly. If movement appears to be too much,
move Set Screw #10 to the other tapped
hole. This will permit additional tightening of
only 1/2 notch.
Re-position shut off spool #12 to center of
radial grooves in thrust head #4. This should
reset the overload stop switch.
The unit is now ready for continued operation. The
above procedure should be repeated if the loading
changes. Any inconsistencies with the above procedure
should be referred to your Camco Representative or the
Camco Factory.
Tighten the Adjusting Nut #3 to firm tightness.
Use a spanner wrench in sizes through 350
IOC, or crescent wrench with Removable
Pinion #15 in size 400 IOC or larger. NEVER
power a unit with a loose clutch! Severe
Indexer damage can result! Manually rotate
cam shaft to the mid-dwell position. Use a felt
tip to register match marks per figure 2.
Power indexer drive for 1 index and observe
match marks. If the marks have separated –
1. Wipe off old marks.
2. Retighten nut one or two notches.
3. Register new match marks.
Repeat step 3 if marks separate.