Typical tasks, Front panel – B&K Precision 8500-8526 - Manual User Manual

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whose resistance doesn't change as a function of current or voltage).

The DC Load can present dynamically changing loads to the DC source with millisecond switching
times. The DC Load can be remotely programmed via a serial interface (RS-232 or USB). Versatile
triggering options allow the dynamic load behavior to be synchronized with other events.
A battery test mode is provided that will measure the ampere*hour (A*hr) characteristic of a battery.
Shorts can be simulated by either the front panel or custom programming. The DC source or other
components can be protected from excessive voltage, current, or power, which will cause the DC
to shut down if excessive levels or reverse polarity are detected.
Dynamic profiles and last instrument states can be stored in non-volatile memory.
The DC Load is a versatile instrument for static and dynamic testing of power supplies, batteries, DC
to DC converters, and battery chargers.

Typical tasks

To perform the following tasks, consult the indicated sections



Manual on/off CC, CV, CW, or CR test

Constant current mode
Constant voltage mode
Constant power mode
Constant resistance mode

Timed on/off CC, CV, CW, or CR test

Constant current mode
Constant voltage mode
Constant power mode
Constant resistance mode
Timed operation

Triggered CC, CV, CW, or CR test

Constant current mode
Constant voltage mode
Constant power mode
Constant resistance mode

Constant load with one transient

Transient operation

Load with multiple transients

Lists (dynamic condition)

Determine A*hr characteristic of battery

Battery test

Run a sequence of tests

Test files

Front panel

The following picture is the front panel for the 8510 DC Load. All models have the same front panel,
only the terminal section will vary based on the model.

8500 DC Load Series

Version: 030614

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