B&K Precision 875B - Manual User Manual
Page 8

WCsRs w here C s in th e mea sured va lue and R s is
measured by 2Ω range.
NOTE: To avoid possible damage to the instrument, discharge all
capacitors before attemp ting to measure the va lue or
dissipation factor.
2.3.2 Zero Adjustment and Inductance Measurements
200µH, 2mH, 20mH, 200mH range (Ls):
Zero Adjustment & Measurements
(1) Set the power switch to the “on” position.
(2) Set the mode switch to the “LCR” position.
(3) Set the Function/Range switch to the appropriate range for the
inductor under test. If the inductance value is unknown, select
the 200µH range.
NOTE: Each range must have zero adjustment performed.
(4) Using a short piece of wire, such as a paper clip, temporarily
connect the po sitive and nega tive m easurement terminals
together. A lternatively, if t he clip leads w ill b e u sed for the
measurement plug them into the banana jacks and connect
the clips together.
(5) Use a small, flat-blade screwdriver and slowly turn the “ 0 Adj”
control to calibrate the display for a zero reading. Remove the
calibration short.
(6) Insert the inductor leads into the component test sockets at the
front of the meter. If the leads are too short, use the alligator
clip leads pro vided w ith the instrum ent to connect t o the
(7) Read the inductance value in the display. If “1---“ (a one with
the fo llowing 3 d igits b lanked) is shown, move the ra nge
switch to the next higher range until the over range indication is
gone from the display. Repeat steps 4-7.