One: introduction – B&K Precision 875B - Manual User Manual
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Congratulations! You ha ve just pur chased some of t he mo st
advanced hand-held digital LCR meter available. This meter is
sure to provide years of reliable service.
The 875B is designed to m easure the param eters of an
impedance e lement w ith high accuracy and speed.
Measurements o f inductance, capacita nce, resistance
(equivalent series resistance) and dissipation factor are provided
for over a broad band of ranges. In addition, you’ll find that it is
ideal for testing SMD ty pe compon ents. P lus, the instrument
offers advanced features, such as the ability to perform precision
measurements of very low resistan ces w ith t he 2 o hm and
20ohm ranges, and ideal for measuring inductances with the
200μH t o 200H ranges, a long w ith the un ique drop- proof
construction, comb ine to make the unit the most versatile
handheld LCR meter available today.
With proper care and use, these meters can pro vide years of
reliable operation. Therefore, it is very important t o completely
familiarize yourself with the instrument before attempted use.
Please read this manual carefully, paying particular attention to
the safety section.
When you unpack your new Meter from it s original packaging,
carefully check each item for damage that may have occurred in
shipment. I f any thing is d amaged or missin g, t ake the ent ire
instrument, including the box and pa cking materials, back to the
distributor from w hom it w as pur chased, w here t hey w ill e ither
replace the missing or damaged item or the entire instrument.
Included Items
Test Leads (1 pair)