B&K Precision 875B - Manual User Manual
Page 4

Unit Description
Please use the dr awings of the 87 5B, in co njunction with the
following descriptions of the con trols and co nnections to help
familiarize you with the unit:
(1) Liquid Crystal Display : Indicates the value of capacitance
connected to the test inputs.
(2) LCR/D Mode Switch
: Selects either LCR or Dissipation
Factor measurement mode.
(3) Function/Range Switch : Selects the function and ra nge for
the desired measurement.
(4) Common Terminal Slot : The ne gative ( common) te st
connector for all measurements.
(5) Positive Terminal Slot : The positive (high) test connector
for all measurements.
(6) Common Terminal Jack : The negative (low) banana jack for
measurements r equiring t he us e
of te st leads.
(7) Positive Terminal Jack : The positive (high) banana jack for
measurements requiring the use
of te st leads.
(8) Battery Compartment : Access for the battery.
(9) Tilt Stand
: Used to hold the instrument at an
angle on a level surface, or when
reversed to han g it from a
(10) Zero Adjust
: Control used to zero the display.
(11) Power Switch
: Turns power to t he instrument on
and off.