B&K Precision 875B - Manual User Manual

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stated on the capacitor.

(6) To ascertain if the meter is accurate, please use a

standard capacitor that states test conditions.


875B Zero Adjustments and Impedance Measurements


1. As an added feature, the 875B has +/- offsets. The +/-offsets

allow for measurements when the LCD is not at zero. The +/-

offsets are applicable to components that are measured in the

following modes: capacitor para llel (Cp), inductor series (Ls)

and resistance series (Rs). The +/- o ffsets are no t applicable

for components th at are te sted C s, Lp or Rp. To u se th is

feature, just simply add/subtract the value from the measured

value of a component.

2. For imp edance measurements there are tw o d ifferent test

modes: parallel and series. These distinct test modes obtain

different results. Refer to section 2.4 for conversions.

2.3.1 Zero Adjustment and Capacitance Measurement

(1) Set the power switch to the “on” position.

(2) Set the mode switch to the “LCR” position.

(3) Set the Function/Range switch to the appropriate capacitance

range for the capacitor under test. If the capacitance value is

unknown, select the 200pF range.

NOTE: If test leads will be used in the measurement, have them

plugged in the banana jacks, but not connected.

200pF, 2nF, 20nF, 200nF & 2µF Range (Cp):

Zero Adjustment (Cp Mode)
(4) Set the Capacitance meter to the se lected Capacitance


(5) Using a small, flat-blade screwdriver, slowly turn the “0 Adj”

control to calibrate the display for a zero reading. Now the

meter is calibrated for these four ranges.