B&K Precision 875B - Manual User Manual

Page 7

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(6) Set the meter to proper capacitance range and go to step

seven to measure capacitance.

20µF, 200µF, 2mF & 20mF (Cs): Range

Zero Adjustment (Cs Mode)
(4) Set the capacitance meter to the 2µF Capacitance range.

(5) Using a small, flat-blade screwdriver, slowly turn the “0 Adj”

control to calibrate the display for a zero reading. Now the

meter is calibrated for these four ranges.

(6) Set the meter to proper capacitance range and go to step

seven to measure capacitance.

Capacitance & Dissipation Factor Measurements
(7) Discharge the capacitor to be measured.

(8) Insert the capacitor leads into the component test sockets at

the front of the meter. If the capacitor leads are too short, use

the alligator clip leads provided with the instrument to connect

to the capacitor. Be sure to o bserve the proper polarity if the

capacitor is a polarized type.

(9) Read the capacitance value in the d isplay. If “1---“(a one w ith

the following 3 dig its blanked) is shown (which indicates an

over-range reading), move the range switch to the next higher

capacitance. If necess ary, perform ze ro ad justment b efore


(10) To measure the “D issipation Factor” of the capacitor, set the

mode switch to th e “D” po sition, a nd read t he d issipation

factor value in the display.

(11) ESR Fur capacitors

“Equivalent Series Resistance” is ty pically much larger than

the actual “ohmic” series resistance of the wire leads and foils

that ar e phy sically in series w ith the heart of a ca pacitor,

because ESR includes also the effect of dielectric loss. SR is

related to D by the formu la E SR=Rs=D/wCs (w here w

represents “omega” =2 p i times frequency). In 20 mf range,

the dissipation factor can be obtained by the formulary D=