Merit of ease of use – Atec Kikusui-PLZ-4W Series User Manual

Page 4

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P L Z - 4 W S E R I E S



Merit of Ease of Use

Front and Rear Panels

DC INPUT (front-panel

load input terminal)

This terminal allows easy connection of
this system with the device to be
tested. The rear panel also has a load
input terminal, which is connected to
the one on the front panel in parallel.

POWER switch

I MON OUT terminal

This output terminal is used
f o r c u r r e n t m o n i t o r i n g .
C o n n e c t a v o l t m e t e r o r
oscilloscope to this terminal to
conduct current monitoring.

TRIG OUT terminal

This ter minal is used to
output pulse signals during
the sequence or switching



Speed-sensitive rotary knob

This rotary knob is used to set various values. You can switch
between the coarse adjustment mode and fine adjustment mode
by pressing the rotary knob. In fine adjustment (FINE) mode,
the value changes at one-tenth of the rate applied in coarse
adjustment mode. Rotating the rotary knob while holding down
the SHIFT key changes the contrast of the display.


his key is used to switch to the local operation mode
in which you can perform operations from the panels
of the system, when the system is in remote control.
Pressing this key while holding down the SHIFT key
places the system in a lock state.



operation keys

These keys are used to
perform setup memory
and ABC preset memory
s e t t i n g o p e r a t i o n s ,
sequence editing and
execution, etc.

Switching operation keys

T h e s e key s a r e u s e d t o s e t t h e
switching frequency, duty factor, time,
level, and other values related to the
switching operation.

Operation setting keys

These keys are used to set the
basic value (current, conductance,
voltage, or power), operation
mode, range, slew rate, protection
function, etc.


(rear-panel load input terminal)

This terminal is used to connect this system with
the device to be tested. It is connected to the load
input terminal on the front panel in parallel.

AC INPUT connector






These variable resistors are used to
adjust the full scale and offset values
set for this system, in response to the
values input from an external control
source (voltage or resistance).

Remote sensing


USB connector

J1/J2 connectors

These connectors are used for the input and
output of the signals intended to exert external
control over this system using an external voltage,
resistance, relay contact, etc. J1 is for external
control, and J2 is for parallel operation.

Cooling fan

T h e u s e o f a h e a t -
sensitive, variable-speed
fan and the pursuit of a
m o r e e f f i c i e n t c o o l i n g
structure have resulted in
high reliability and low