Atec Fluke-DSP-2000 User Manual
Page 188

Users Manual
causes of reflections, 7-15
length test result message, 3-22
calibrating for a new remote, 6-1
communication error, 2-31
compatibility between models, 8-7
effects on TDR test, 4-9
lights, messages, and audible tones, 2-29
messages displayed on remote, 2-30
smart remote features, 2-14
standard remote features, 2-14
when to use a remote unit, 4-2
Remote end test
how to enable/disable, 2-30
quick start, 2-4
Replacement parts, 8-6
formatting uploaded reports, A-7
organizing reports on a PC, A-5
printing reports, 5-1
samples of Autotest reports, 3-25
viewing, deleting, and renaming reports, 5-6
test for coaxial cable, 3-22
test for twisted pair, 3-8
Reversed pairs
wire map display, 3-7
RJ11 connector, 2-2
RJ45 connector, 2-13
explanation of RL, 7-20
plot description, 3-18
results screen items, 3-17
test for twisted pair, 3-17
Rotary switch modes, 2-16
Safety and operational information, 2-2
Saving Autotest results, 3-23
Scanning, 4-2
Self test
how to run, 2-21
Self-calibration, 6-1
Serial port
cable for printer interface, 5-2
configuring a PC serial port, A-3
configuring for PC communications, A-3
configuring for printing, 5-2
connection for printing, 5-3
error, printing, 5-5
interface description, 8-12
problems with PC communications, A-4
Servicing, 8-4
configuring the test tool, 2-22
list of settings, 2-19
quick setup, 2-4
Shield test, 2-24
wire map display, 3-7
Single test
tests for coaxial cable, 4-14
tests for twisted pair, 4-1
Smart remote. See Remote
mode on rotary switch, 2-20
description, 2-13
on Autotest screens, 3-1
Software update, A-10
Special Functions
list of functions, 2-20
Split pair
explanation of split pair, 7-12
wire map display, 3-7
Standard remote. See Remote
Storage, 8-2
Strap, 2-16
Switch modes, 2-16
TDR (Time Domain Reflectometry)
effects of termination results, 4-9
example plots, 7-23
explanation of TDR, 7-15
interpreting the plot, 7-18